Example sentences of "he come [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He stayed with us , sometimes , when he come on leave .
2 When they could offer no diagnosis , a cousin suggested he come to Britain .
3 Had he come to England and changed his mind about seeing her ?
4 Why had he come to Salamanca ?
5 He leava his Mamma and he come to Amerigo , and he make big noise in New York , Chicago , Detroit .
6 Mountain Everest , he come to Mahomet at last , ’ and he folded Ricky in a vast hot embrace .
7 If you believe all the tourist literature , Charlie , had he come to power , would have made it compulsory to live in rock fissures .
8 Alexander I rebuffed repeated advice that he come to terms with Napoleon during the French invasion .
9 Kid , he come from India .
10 How far had he come from Hause Point !
11 Oh it was a horse-drawn , horse-drawn , there were no cars on the road in those days , I think I was one of the earliest to get knocked down by a car actually in Walsall , I was er , when we lived in Street he came down Street and immediately opposite there was a Co-op shop opposite Birds the fruitiers , and mother sent me down to the Co-op and the old trams used to run along the Pleck to Darlaston , Wednesbury and that way on and I ran across the road , past the Co-op the tram and a car must have just bumped into me and he knocked me down , a terrible commotion amongst the folks and could n't have hurt them much , because I got up and ran off , ran off home , so they were restricted in you see and the speed they could go in the car , but the car , the tram car was stopped at the bottom of Street , almost opposite the Co-op and er I must have just run across the road run into the car and more or less bounced off it I should think .
12 As the boundaries of Charles ' dominions extended southwards in Italy he came into conflict with the Saracens , who were widespread in the Mediterranean .
13 Here he came into conflict with yet another American dream .
14 In March 1985 , he came into conflict with the Lord Chancellor over an article he had written for the Daily Telegraph on Government pressure on the judiciary to shorten sentences and on the inadequacies of the prison system .
15 Inevitably he came into conflict with the developers , who lobbied successfully to destroy his project .
16 I remember one Monday morning , just after we went into the Boys ' School , he came into Standard One and brought with him , from our class , Jim Weeks , who had been absent when the registers were called .
17 After drinking with a friend , Mr. Clarkson , in 1803 , he declares it was the best time he had had since he came into Westmorland .
18 He came into contact with our world of climbing early , delivering telegrams from the post office on his bike to Mr Winthrop Young and Mr Mallory at Pen y Pass , or to Mr Carr at Beddgelert .
19 In his travels before the war he came into contact with a French student , Jean Lassère , a pacifist , who encouraged Bonhoeffer to take the Sermon on the Mount seriously , and to live it out fully .
20 Suddenly , at the base , he came into contact with a round object which felt fragile and fitted comfortably in his palm .
21 When the school , with which he had found employment in Ramsgate , removed to Isleworth in Middlesex , he went with it and whilst there he came into contact with the Protestant Church circles which were Free Churches , i.e. not tied to either the Church of England , or the Roman Catholics .
22 He was a born painter and teacher , unpretentious , with a profound humility , observing the natural changes in a landscape and transposing these observations into his understanding of the people with whom he came into contact .
23 He spent some time in Calcutta where he came into contact with the Indian Communist Party .
24 Largely self-taught in Marxist literature , he joined the Marxist British Socialist party , where he came into contact with Russian Marxist exiles such as Maxim Litvinov and Georgi Chicherin .
25 Possibly as a result of connections forged in his native county , he came into contact with Humphrey de Bohun , sixth Earl of Hereford , by whom he was retained with a life annuity of £40 .
26 In 1922 he came into contact with Moritz Schlick , professor of philosophy and founder of the Vienna Circle .
27 Through Wilcock , too , he came into contact with another American , Tuli Kupferberg , whose poetry and cartoons astonished him , and with Paul Krassner and his Realist .
28 As a result he was sent to Arles , where he came into contact with the rhetorician Julianus Pomerius .
29 He could also still imitate anyone with whom he came into contact , although his days of giving his impressions of Winston Churchill or Nellie Wallace ( nobody would know who Nellie Wallace was in 1962 ) were by now over .
30 The real trouble with old Tom had been that when he came into contact with the evil mind , the scheming , devious , manipulative mind of some murderers , he could not bear it .
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