Example sentences of "he could [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
2 Joyce called together such members as he could gather of the National Socialist League and its intellectual offshoot the Carlyle Club .
3 The voice always seemed to come from the shadows or from somewhere just aside from where he was looking ; and usually the words did n't make any sense , and they passed through his mind so quickly that they 'd gone before he could reach for them .
4 There was no way of explaining this , no parallel that he could reach for other than to say : that he 'd once made a wish , and the wish now appeared to have come true .
5 CASE STUDY 2.3 — FAMILY KHAN A Punjabi family arranged to have the husband 's mother brought to Britain so that he could care for her .
6 Indeed in May nineteen ninety Mr gave up his appointment as a teacher in order that he could care for the plaintiff full time .
7 In particular the degree of negative control he could exert over the actions of the government , his ability to obstruct change , remained important until well after the end of this period .
8 In many ways the part of a horseman 's job calling for most of his skill was that concerned with working the land , and using a standard of craftsmanship set immeasurably high both by the tradition of his craft and by the immediate needs of cultivation ; and a horseman served a long and disciplined apprenticeship before he could attain to the standard demanded .
9 No longer did his back trouble him , and yes , he felt he could bowl at least 20% faster , as ‘ Inti ’ had suggested .
10 John wanted to be in bed so that the night would be over quickly and he could move off the next morning ; Mr Stephens had a neighbour who would lend them a handcart and John wanted to be able to push the furniture the eight miles uphill to Crossbridge , settle it , and return the handcart the same day .
11 For a big man , he could move with surprising speed when he wanted to .
12 Before he could move for the doors , they were flung open imperiously , revealing a wide-eyed , agonised Auguste outside .
13 Under the old system , if a player was dissatisfied with his terms at a League club he could move to a Southern League team at the end of a season without waiting for a fee to be agreed .
14 He was a star by the early Sixties , and then he could move in any circle he wanted . ’
15 To flash a badge was to risk someone in the crowd remembering his face and in the future , on another job , he could fingered as the stoolie he truly was .
16 He had overcome the main drawback of living in the country at Etten , since now he could associate with other artists , exchange views , be stimulated by the work and lives of others with whom he had something in common .
17 Eighteen months previously President Kennedy had ordered the withdrawal of the American missiles in Turkey but eighteen months later those missiles were still there and when Kennedy was presented with this bargain , bargaining counter by Khrushchev he sort of shouted at his chiefs of staff and secretary of defence and anyone else he could shout at and sort of said what the hell are those missiles still doing in Turkey , I told you eighteen months ago for God 's sake get rid of them !
18 Why , said Pumlumon , had n't there been a time , not so very long ago either , when he could rattle off the words that set the Draoicht Suan working with no more ado than you might make in the squashing of a flea , always supposing you wanted to do something so pointless , which Pumlumon himself never had .
19 He could compensate for his low official pay by means of the strings he could pull in conjunction with the other few rich peasants in the commune .
20 If Balliol was already down a back stair , he could mingle with this crowd of panic-stricken servants and nowise stand out , in his shirt and breeches , since others were in approximately the same state .
21 there were a few things he could bring with him .
22 The quality of passionate and intelligent realism he could bring to a part was not in demand until many years later .
23 He prided himself , with high justification , on being a great House of Commons man , but it was only from the Treasury bench that he could lead with ease and pleasure .
24 He could hide behind the door and club them down one by one when they came in .
25 He had in effect an option to purchase , which he could exercise by not terminating the agreement and by paying all 36 monthly instalments .
26 It was the only crumb of comfort he could salvage from the ordeal .
27 He could sit on a terrace in the French quarter , sipping wine , and feel he was in France .
28 When it mattered , Leonard was a learner ; he could sit at a man 's feet and absorb completely .
29 He could sit with his very big brandies when Claire had gone to bed and talk about the Gordian Knot of the Arbuthnot relationships .
30 He could sit in his palace like the sun at the nodal point of an array of beams of light .
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