Example sentences of "at [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 New medium-term targets aimed at progressively reducing the public-sector deficit over the following three years were also adopted .
2 And , as I grew more frustrated at not getting the screenplays into production , and I saw Q bring his book out , I thought I could maybe do what Selvon did , but in our time .
3 In between times , a whole psychological scenario is elaborated , in which we piece together the flavour of his anxiety about the pay , his disappointment at not getting the information out of the lady , his interpretation of what she is like ( inferred from her appearance , actions , and conversation ) , his assessment of her son , his misunderstanding of the son 's errand , and his recollection of how he came to be involved in the interview .
4 He had forgotten this unofficial war and damned his own foolhardiness at not taking the matter into account .
5 He shows no regret at not maintaining the movie career that started in the Sixties .
6 This is something where the local authority is the lead agency , but it does involve , increasingly involve very close joint working with other agencies , particularly in the health authority , and there were various conditions attaching the funds , which have a number of , of purposes , but one of the key ones in terms of where you must spend your money , or a proportion of it , was very much aimed at not destabilizing the existing sector .
7 Would-be grandparents can express their disappointment at not acquiring the longed-for grandchild .
8 Mr Daszczuk had gone to the car repair garage in Radbourne Avenue , Ealing , at 1am to investigate the continuous noise of barking dogs .
9 If place is to be defined in terms of co-ordinates , the assumption that no particular can be in two places at once presupposes the ( logical ) possibility of a unique designation by means of co-ordinates of every single position in space , i.e. the possibility , in principle , of setting up an all-embracing co-ordinate system ; making it possible to differentiate unambiguously every point in space from any other from a given origin .
10 The Savoyard himself did not appear on the day , apparently because he was unsure whether to give precedence to the representative of the king of Bohemia ( the " Winter King " Frederick of the Palatinate ) ; but his absence at once made the Venetian ambassador fear that Savoy , perhaps with French or Spanish help , was intriguing to threaten the precedence claimed by the republic .
11 He fired one short burst which at once set the port wing on fire , and although efforts were made to tow the flyingboat ashore , the flames spread rapidly and it sank , still blazing furiously .
12 We all looked again and it was n't H. The bastard had met this Jake a year or two back and at once noted the resemblance .
13 Formations of the more modern kinds may be seen to occur , typically , at points of transition and intersection within a complex social history , but the individuals who at once compose the formations and are composed by them have a further complex range of diverse positions , interests and influences , some of which are resolved ( if at times only temporarily ) by the formations , others of which remain as internal differences , as tensions , and often as the grounds for subsequent divergences , breakaways , breakups and further attempted formations .
14 In August 1415 an English army landed in Normandy and at once began the siege of Harfleur , at the mouth of the river Seine .
15 From a swift glance at the back of a person 's head I can at once estimate the intelligence and sexuality of that person .
16 Alfonso , hearing the news , at once raised the siege of Saragossa and began to assemble his own forces .
17 The changed look at once dissipated the sinister aspect that the gentleman had generated thus far .
18 For him it must be said that he went at once to report the death to authority , and then came back to us and again told the same story .
19 Parliament passed the bill and thereafter a creditor no longer had the power to detain a debtor already in prison at his pleasure , since the man could at once petition the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors for his discharge on the terms of his whole property , present and future , being given up for distribution among his creditors — and not only in London but to Commissioners who made circuits to hear such petitions in country districts .
20 I at once sensed the physical austerity and the quality of social and intellectual superiority characteristic of the best public schools .
21 She opened a cupboard to get some rag , and plastic bags rolled out , so , on her knees , both arms working , she at once emptied the shelves .
22 Not only did he immediately assume overall direction of the battle , organizing his forces and ever-increasing artillery power , but he at once ordered the reoccupation and rearming of the outlying forts , to each of which two weeks ' supply of food and water for every man was dispatched .
23 Nick had seemed concerned and had agreed at once to convene the security subcommittee .
24 He alone could at once restore the unity of England and Normandy , which was important for many great families .
25 Comparison with the Beaux Arts in the three works of Op. 1 at once reveal the Czechs ' liking for more swiftly-flowing slow movements .
26 The Bank of England had at once consulted the New York banking house of J. P. Morgan , and an answer was expected that Sunday evening .
27 Briefly , one can say that each stanza is in eight lines , rhyming abac/babc ; and that the fourth and eighth lines at once interrupt the flow of each stanza and hold the two halves together by their strong ‘ feminine ’ three-syllable rhymes , on ‘ glimmering/shimmering ’ , ‘ sorrowing/following ’ , etc .
28 I think can at once give the assurance that your screenplays are unusually promising .
29 He produced as many copies as possible in the economical A state , stopping the press at once to rejig the type .
30 Opening Poole 's letter on a visit to Bristol City Library , he began at once to write the first of two wildly intemperate replies : the country round Iron Acton was ‘ intolerably flat ’ ; Bristol contained no friends of his beyond Cottle and Estlin ( Wade was going away ) ; and as for the cottage , he would make it do .
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