Example sentences of "at [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I caught Cam looking at me the other day .
2 He made another pass at me the other day . "
3 ‘ That baby there kicked out at me the other day .
4 As he opens the door the lid snaps up and as he looks at me the social dimension locks me in its perspective .
5 was looking at them the other day and they 're really brilliant .
6 Wid ye jist take a keek oot o' that windae and lukk at whit the silly bitch is daein' noo !
7 Party leaders inserted this clause after an August Central Committee meeting at which the General Secretary , Mr Nguyen Van Linh , exposed the leadership 's anxiety at developments in China and Eastern Europe with a fierce denunciation of political pluralism and subversive imperialist powers .
8 " In general , Lenneberg 's ( 1967 ) contention that the extent to which a speaker will have a foreign accent correlates fairly well with the age at which the second language is learned has received extensive confirmation .
9 The study of ( ht ) in Havelok is of course relevant to the date at which the velar fricative [ x ] before [ t ] ( in right , might , etc. ) was lost in English .
10 There has been no point in British history at which the prevailing method of government has been completely swept away , allowing those in power to sit down and create from first principles a new and clearly delineated form of government .
11 Yet handling and recruiting people is a task at which the Japanese are famously different from their American or British counterparts .
12 If the engagement period is to be protracted because the couple are young or studying , there may be a big party not unlike a small-scale version of the wedding at which the future bride has a chance to display her ring to well-wishers and acquire presents for the new home , for which the guests must be thanked .
13 Upon learning that these deaf people had no place to go to , or even to worship , Mr. Patterson held a meeting at which the above Association was formed , and enough money was raised to purchase a plot of land at Grosvenor Street where a social meeting place incorporating a small chapel was built .
14 There is a six-year Statute of Limitations which relates to the period from the date at which the competing claim was first asserted ( not at the time the work of art was stolen nor the date of subsequent sale ) .
15 The points A and B in the diagram represent the temperatures at which the largest crystallites disappear and are regarded as the respective melting temperatures T m for the samples .
16 The unemployment rate at which the TRW curve intersect. , with the FRW line defines NAIRU : it is the unique unemployment rate at which the real wage demands of workers can be reconciled with the real wage which employers are prepared to concede .
17 Definition : The IS curve joins together all those combinations of the rate of interest and the level of income at which the real sector of the economy is in equilibrium — that is , at which total injections equal total withdrawals .
18 It follows that an interest rate of 5 per cent and an income level of £100 million is one combination of interest and income at which the real sector is in equilibrium .
19 Before the Suez débâcle in the autumn of 1956 , British governments had felt themselves able to dictate the pace at which the colonial Empire would be transformed into a cohesive Commonwealth of Nations : after Suez the imperial ethos was shattered , and our run down to middle-power status was no longer resisted .
20 A rival meeting in Vienna the same year , at which the radical Menshevik L.D. Trotsky took a leading role , failed to forge unity among the non-Bolshevik Social Democrats .
21 A profit-maximising firm under conditions of perfect competition will expand production up to the point at which the additional cost of producing the last unit of output ( ’ marginal cost ’ ) is equal to price .
22 The maximum speed attainable with each switching angle is simply the stepping rate at which the appropriate characteristic intersects the " load torque " line : The velocity profile during acceleration can be calculated Precisely for each switching angle using the graphical method described in Section 6.3 .
23 The lecture programme , together with its associated tutorial and laboratory work is based entirely at one of the three participating universities , but for the project work students will join the institution at which the appropriate special facilities or expertise exist .
24 The radius at which the outer orbits develop loops and become self-intersecting is called the ‘ outer Lindblad resonance ’ ( OLR ) , and the mean radius of the smallest orbit of the middle family to be self-intersecting is called the ‘ inner Lindblad resonance ’ ( ILR ) .
25 It is also the address at which the following registers and documents must normally be kept :
26 In 1614 the Prince of Wales himself had to be excluded from a dinner at which the Russian ambassador was to be present , since it was feared that the latter would refuse to accept a place on the king 's left if the prince were seated on his right .
27 The Le Mans officials were blameless as their safety measures were found to be more than adequate , and the speed at which the injured were taken to hospital was also exemplary .
28 The temperature at which the solid and liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point .
29 Bourassa 's view of the package was overwhelmingly endorsed by a special 4,000-member Liberal Party convention in Quebec on Aug. 29-30 , at which the provincial Premier gave a powerful performance and promised to win over the population of Quebec at the October referendum .
30 The 1931 general election was the last election until that of February 1974 at which the electoral performance of the Liberals was of significance to the two major parties .
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