Example sentences of "at [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 The verderers also co-operated with the foresters in supervising the exercise of customary rights within the forest , such as taking wood for fuel , fencing and house-repair ; in making arrangements at the swanimote for the agistment of the king 's demesne woods ; and in carrying out various inquiries in the forest into such matters as the rights of the Crown and the perquisites of the Forest officers .
2 Pigs too were taken to sanctuaries to recover , as the RSPCA worked at the farms for days on end , work which eventually cost the RSPCA £15,000 .
3 The department , headed by Mr Jeff Barker who has been at the University for 27 years , caters for the two dining rooms at the Revis Barber and Dennis Bellamy Halls , serving breakfast and dinner to the 400 students Monday to Friday , breakfast and lunch Saturday and Sunday .
4 ‘ Well , my parents live in Kenya and I was going to study in Nairobi , but Moi has suspended the classes at the university for this year , so I applied to come here . ’
5 To help those whose domestic arrangements or distance from the University makes travel difficult , the courses will require attendance at the University for only one day a week .
6 She spoke fluent Italian and spent part of each year in Bari , in the south of Italy , where she had lectured in English at the university for ten years .
7 Altogether a bargain — not least at the price for a year 's subscription .
8 Grim and forbidding were the two well-used words that came to mind as she looked up at the building for the first time ; but there were no words that could easily describe the helpless terror that she felt as the side-gate opened before them and the ambulance had driven through .
9 Miss Bedwelty stood staring at the horses for some time , standing with her hand on her hips .
10 The bark starts them all off and they howl at the moon for a few minutes .
11 At the Women for Socialism conference , for which I was one of the organisers , councillor , Martha Osamor , argued very much that the time for getting into groups and discussing the whys and where fors of the theory , had passed .
12 The trophy , named after a past director of Stoddard 's carpets , has been at the company for the past 37 years , but this is the first time in history that the organisers have opened up the competition for runners up .
13 I have n't seen anyone at the company for nearly , what , six seven years and already you say you want to speak to my friends .
14 ‘ You know , I have n't had a look at the things for a long time , ’ Müller remarked .
15 Partnerships should look at the case for an education service , in terms of the opportunities it presents for sensible planning , provision for population migration and demographic change , best use of scarce and expensive resources , effective curriculum and professional development , smooth transition between the ages and stages of education , and quality education for all those with special educational needs .
16 Neil Fitzgerald looks at the case for finding a fast-track route for commercial actions .
17 And he 's promised to look again at the case for allowing British Rail to bid for franchises .
18 And certainly if you look at the case for very many women not in the job tops we 're talking about low paid work erm low rates of unionisation , very , very low rates of day care erm it 's those sorts of things that I 'm talking about , and for me those are very , very much more important than the fact that we 've only got one woman Chief Officer at the top in the County Council .
19 It attracted me like a magnet when I was a youth , and soon as I could leave school I was up at the course for a caddying job .
20 On Skye during the summer of 1990 , I visited a bothy not far from the Cuillins to find certain people staying two weeks ( fishing ) , one week ( canoeing ) and no room at the inn for overnighters .
21 Mr Blair hit out at the bombers for giving such ‘ inadequate warnings . ’
22 Well I have n't looked at the board for a week
23 Glasgow has an exhibition of contemporary art , musical instruments and fashion accessories at the Art for Industry exhibition at the Art Gallery and Museum , Kelvingrove .
24 And she stared at the girl for a full minute , before turning to Ben again and with a helpless gesture saying , ‘ My God !
25 Looking at the artwork for the UV Exposure Timer , it will be seen that all mains parts are at one end of the board , with 240V connections via screw terminals for safety .
26 I heard him lock the chamber door and , a few minutes later , the mewing of his cat scratching at the wood for admittance .
27 Soft chignon wound at the crown for casual chic , styled with Redken products
28 ‘ Well , I think we have finished at the priory for the moment , and the good villagers of Godstowe know very little .
29 Look at the criticism for any opportunity to learn from it and to change , without wallowing in self-pity .
30 He lived at the settlement for helping London boys , Cambridge House .
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