Example sentences of "at [art] very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the very least I can find the keynote speaker at each one and chase him .
2 That at the very least gives me the opportunity er to at very least glance through , I do n't know how long they 're going to be of course , but at very least glance through them to see what I need to see , to see if there 's any which is self-evidently requiring further comment , or further site visit , and er I can then give the Councils a further two weeks in which to respond to that .
3 Er at the very least I wish to see the criteria amended erm and expressed in terms of minimizing impact rather er avoiding completely .
4 Selby are looking for an allocation of twice that , and if you a if you accept that the County are correct and I can see no reason to erm to vary from that , in fact our submissions er set out very clearly why we think every parameter is stretched to its limits , i if you st i if you accept that then at the very least I think its incumbent upon Selby to put forward a cogent argument for doubling that figure .
5 Guide uniform at the very least !
6 And he wants to , at the very least I think it 's reasonable to say , he wants to influence the Communist Party that , that this is the way you should be looking at the world and it , it is different to the way you were looking at it .
7 We need stability over the medium term at the very least in order to produce the units that we need , not this sort of one minute you 're off , one minute you 're not and again , if you were serious the resources were already there , there in terms of the capital receipts that people already had .
8 Er modern logistics floor space will at the very least yield about a thousand jobs sorry a hundred jobs per thousand square feet .
9 But the best answer to the unwarranted interpretations wrested from these texts is a closer look at the very biblical passages in question .
10 March 1853 and he died at the very early age of thirty-seven , on 29th .
11 We are at the very early stages of this project at the moment .
12 And we had erm we , there was a few changes during that time , we used to get troops coming in and occupying the classroom , and we maybe , at the very early days I can remember having to go to the Street School and also the Street Hall which belong that was a church hall .
13 We are at the very early stages of our inquiries . ’
14 This is not only the case of small linguistic communities vulnerable to quite modest demographic changes , such as the thinly-populated hills and coasts of Welsh-speaking Wales , or Estonia , whose 1m or so Estonian speakers would in any case place it at the very lower limit of populations capable of maintaining a modern linguistic culture at all levels .
15 An appropriate set of product communications needs to be sent out at the very earliest opportunity and more expensive , albeit more responsive media , such as a telephone , should be brought into effect .
16 Dressed in a dark , immaculate evening suit and a crisp white shirt , worn with a bow-tie that had been , by the looks of it , impatiently pulled apart at the very earliest opportunity .
17 Because we had evidence that memories of the exercise tended to fade quickly , it was decided to exclude schools which had submitted reports at the very earliest stage ( autumn 1980 to summer 1981 ) , and schools which were not due to submit reports until the last stage of the first cycle ( autumn 1985 to early 1986 ) were also excluded because they could not be expected to have made much of a start on the process .
18 There was , of course , first and absolutely foremost , the need to keep on jumping , and to do so at the very highest level ; a need which Fräulein Silber emphasised repeatedly .
19 I 'd like to manage at the very highest level and pit my wits against the best .
20 Gareth Jenkins possessed one of the outstanding talents of his Seventies ' generation but injury prevented it demonstration at the very highest level and it is as a Scarlet , the epitome of Llanelli as player and coach , that he has always been seen and highly regarded .
21 But , as Gordon said at the time , ‘ to maintain my challenge for a place on the national side and even to take part meaningfully in the national squad training , it is necessary to train and play club football at the very highest level ’ .
22 This column is genuinely not written with a sense of criticism , but I believe it does demonstrate one of the problems that is at the very heart of British tennis — lack of a sense of vision , a sense of belief and a passionate desire to achieve at the very highest echelons of the world game and not to be content to make a comfortable living in a relatively small pond .
23 When I queried the decision I was told that it had been taken at the very highest level , as a result of information not available to me . ’
24 Critics , however , said that he had ‘ blown it ’ and that his loss on time — unusual among top players — had exposed his inexperience at the very highest level .
25 It has been discussed at the very highest level . ’
26 The Sun 's publisher Rupert Murdoch was reported to have ordered an apology in what was described by assistant editor Chris Davis as a ‘ handsome and gracious ’ gesture after discussions ‘ at the very highest level ’ .
27 And then , I knocked at the very weak leg .
28 Stories abound of the Phoenix Guard arriving at the very instant that the council decides upon a new king or at the moment that life leaves the old king , lending weight to the legends about the Chamber of Days .
29 Then , at the very instant of her rippling orgasm , a great stream of warm milk shot into her unsuspecting tunnel to drench her very womb .
30 The essence of this is that if the goods are identified and agreed upon and ready to be handed over , the parties are taken to have intended the buyer to become the owner immediately , i.e. at the very instant that the contract is made .
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