Example sentences of "at [adj] time she " in BNC.

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1 At that time she was still living in an Alpine town surrounded by mountain-tops silhouetted in the distance .
2 A great advertisement , you might think , for the use of steroids — except that at that time she did n't use them .
3 I just thought at that time she had died , for that was what they told me .
4 At that time she had n't moved to Suffolk ; the acquisition of the priory followed later .
5 But at that time she herself had been determined to find out all there was to know .
6 At that time she was suffering from anorexia nervosa , a slimming disease , which friends believe was triggered by the collapse of her love affair .
7 At that time she had n't come to terms with them , ’ he recalls .
8 At that time she was very breathless , was expectorating dirty coloured sputum and complaining of severe chest and shoulder pains .
9 At that time she had known few people in the district , for they were among the first of the incomers , and Camille had been only a baby with the consequent ailments , accidents and dissatisfactions .
10 At that time she had something like 50 years of practice in beating up on students . ’
11 Furthermore , the right hon. Member for Finchley had the opportunity to do just that because at that time she had the right of veto .
12 I was quick to snap her up before you changed your mind she was n't right for national accounts at that time she 'd been good in the groups role
13 She says , I 'm ever so sorry for coming up at that time she says , but I did notice Maggie 's light were n't on that 's
14 At this time she was just over fifty , a well-built woman with a high-coloured , sculptured face , short black hair and fine legs .
15 At this time she met the young ( Sir ) Edwin Lutyens [ q.v. ] , also a native of West Surrey , and together they drove around the narrow lanes in her dogcart , sketching and photographing details that appealed to them : a buttressed wall , a patterned chimney , the angle of a building which , although the result of chance , was pleasing in design .
16 At this time she also developed episcleritis and erythema nodosum .
17 ‘ I 've had better tarts , ’ he said , and , walking to the door as she struggled into a sitting position , trying to restore her ruined self , for at some time she must leave the room and face her shattered world , he flung her his final insult .
18 She was tackling this man on his own terms and at some time she would be doing it head-on .
19 But , she determined then , at some time she must most definitely find some space in which to tackle the issue with him .
20 At one time she might have wanted to sit among the crowd , to escape from the prying eyes , but she would never have had the confidence to say so .
21 At one time she felt Charlotte turn towards her husband , and knew that they were in each other 's arms .
22 At one time she had found appalling the comforting observation that people are similar , with much the same fears and fantasies .
23 Her health began to suffer , which was understandable , and I think at one time she deteriorated so badly that the doctors rather washed their hands of her .
24 At one time she 'd have sworn with hand on heart that Dane had absolutely no effect on her knees whatsoever .
25 There 's always been that instinct to pick up those who have been hurt ; at one time she wanted to be a nurse , but the thought of night shifts put her off .
26 At one time she might have considered Vitor to be a dyed-in-the-wool monster , but she was gradually reassessing her opinion .
27 Donnellan said that if at any time she 'd wanted him to stop , he would have done .
28 But at any time she could be called out to back up the site 's regular fire crew .
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