Example sentences of "at [adj] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 At eleven o'clock a group of children came over the hill .
2 On the evening of December 15 , starting at 6.30 pm , members of the institute will give demonstrations of their various techniques , and at 7.30 pm a lecture will be given by the head of the Modern British Art Department of Christie 's .
3 At 2 p.m. a big KC 135 tanker lifted off from Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington and headed for a mid-air rendezvous with the Eagle at 45,000 feet over the eastern seaboard .
4 Exley , at 30 almost a veteran , but who had had an impressive run in this year 's championships , vowed : ‘ I 'll be back next year and if I meet Eric I 'll beat him . ’
5 While I 'm having a look at this just a quick glance through erm there 's the er range of products that we print design publish , we do n't sell them , for our clients .
6 Very often , too , when we were travelling round the farms doing repairs ( and many of these were done just before harvest to prevent hold-ups at a busy time ) the Guv'nor would tell us to leave two shillings at a certain farm , half a crown perhaps at another , and at some only a shilling : that would go towards the men 's largesse-spending . ’
7 And Aramis aftershave will retail at 19.95 again a ten pound discount on the recommended price .
8 One evening we filmed at six o'clock a commercial which I 'd been handed in script form at five o'clock the same evening .
9 Wark , at 35 still a major influence at Ipswich , has faith in fellow Scot Brian McClair and nothing but admiration for youngster Giggs .
10 Copyhold was by inheritance in thirteen out of twenty-five Buckinghamshire manors surveyed in the reigns of Edward VI and Mary ; on two there were lifeholds only , and at three either a term of years or tenure at will ; six had a medley of all modes .
11 At 5 p.m. a staff nurse joined Miss T. and her mother and Miss T. told the staff nurse that she did not want a blood transfusion , that she used to be a Jehovah 's Witness and that she still maintained some beliefs .
12 The ironic thing about the film was that it was n't different at all just a rehash of the best TV sketches .
13 it was like spaced it was just like , I du n no , not long at all just a
14 At 11 a.m. a heavy rain of ash was falling , and by 11.20 the air was so thick with ash and pumice dust that the sun was blotted out , and total darkness fell on the city , remaining until 1 p.m .
15 At 11 p.m. a terrific barrage commenced .
16 Shortly afterwards Miss T. went into labour and at 10.45 p.m. a decision was reached that she should be transferred to the maternity unit .
17 Mr. Chapman 's last entry in the journal noted that at 8.45 a.m. a ten-year-old boy had been in the sick ward for three days but had been taken much worse .
18 The guests assembled in the Salle des Maréchaux , what Mme Moulton described as ‘ the Grand Salon ’ , and at nine o'clock a small procession entered consisting of the Court officers , all in their evening costume of blue with velvet collars , followed by several attendants and then , in the middle , the Emperor and Empress .
19 Life began to change at 16 when a shop asked Cindy to model for a fashion show .
20 They had been children together at the village school in the ‘ fifties , staying at home whenever their parents needed them , finishing with the whole business of education at twelve when a wage might be earned .
21 At first just a ring of bubbles will gather on the surface of the liquid .
22 Fewers Heretors , Tacksmen of Islay " met , at first twice a year and later annually to consider what needed to be spent and how it was to be raised .
23 Fewers Heretors , Tacksmen of Islay " met , at first twice a year and later annually to consider what needed to be spent and how it was to be raised .
24 A college for women had been Mrs Reid 's dream from childhood , and in 1849 she put up the money to found Bedford College , hoping for hundreds of applications but in fact receiving at first only a few dozen , including those of her own friends .
25 Slowly at first then a loose rush .
26 At one o'clock a hymn was sung to enable those wishing to leave to do so whilst newcomers entered .
27 On July 23rd 1942 , at 9 a.m. a Dornier 217 dropped four high explosive bombs in the region of Midland Road railway station .
28 On 7 June 1953 , on the occasion of a broadcast service from Thomas Street Church at 7.45 pm a receiving set was installed in Edenderry so that the congregation there could join in the worship .
29 So the L & NWR were building coaches in the same area as Joseph Wright & Sons , at best not a satisfactory arrangement , and a major factor in the decision to transfer this activity to Wolverton .
30 But we can be fairly confident , as a starting-point , that Rizzio , Darnley and Bothwell , chief actors in the drama of the last two years of her personal rule , are at best only a part of the explanation .
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