Example sentences of "at [adj] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But at high NO concentrations , ozone levels are low as it reacts with NO to form NO&sub2 ; .
2 If you get a firm that 's doing big removals , inside the cost of that is the cost of an estimator to go around and look at half the jobs he 's not going to get .
3 Years of sporadic warfare followed , with both sides at one time aggressors , at another the victims .
4 At this the women stopped their knees up and went back in without a look at the man .
5 At this the figures became somewhat vague and hazy and then they vanished .
6 So if you just look at this the arguments for er manufactured , or the increase in manufacturing er trade alright are exactly the opposite to erm , that explain the decrease in erm , the relative decrease in agricultural trade okay .
7 look at some the points , I 've heard , I 've been heckled yesterday do n't heckle me this week the section of level funding .
8 At ILL the researchers found the ratio of the measured yield of positrons to the expected yield to be 0–955 , with a statistical error of 0.035 ( Physical Review D , vol 24 , p 1097 ) .
9 At these the jurors accused various officials , particularly those named in the complaint , of extortion , disseisin , forcible detention of goods and fabrication of warrants of arrest for the purpose of extorting money ( 42 ) .
10 At worst the headphones could be damaged .
11 Confused now at all the permutations of possibilities , Chesarynth decided on the safest course : I 'd better not give too much away .
12 Aunt Bedelia tut-tutted at all the goings on as we ate our spinach soup made with dandelion leaves and wild garlic .
13 I thought oh god shut up , you know , you 've got children , oh he 's really horrible and he stands there and he 's looking at all the women every one that comes and he smiles and then hello , hello
14 erm I 'm not someone who 's for , for example , erm positive discrimination where that means choosing a woman when there 's a better man erm and I think that erm although some feminists do , certainly it 's not a necessary condition of being a feminist , and I certainly do n't , and I think that if John Major erm sincerely looked at all the women who could have been in his cabinet , and sincerely judged their abilities erm compared to the men who were available , erm and decided that the women were n't ready , then I think that 's , that 's a possible position .
15 try to look at all the options before making a decision .
16 So er take your time , and erm do l look at all the options in front of you .
17 Very briefly , Peter Davis , North Yorkshire County Council , you raised the issue of procedures looking at the er post two thousand and six scenario within the light of er a statutory greenbelt er at that time , and I would envisage that the County Council and the Districts , if indeed we 're all er in business at er er in in in the next century , would probably want to run a similar sort of exercise that they would be ran through the end of the eighties , and that is to sit down together , er and look at all the options , er that are available for Greater York , in the same way that they did it in ninety eighty nine , one additional factor at that time would be that er the greenbelt would be statutory , and it would be statutory if the County Council and ninety five percent of the district support on sites would be a tight greenbelt so the options would be looked at erm er in that context , on the comments that er Miss Whittaker , erm questions that Miss Whittaker raised , there is a paper that the County Council produced for the greenbelt local plan enquiry that I remember well as N Y Two , which set out in detail the various components , erm of the York greenbelt in addition to the historic title that the that the focus of the green belt comes across a variety of of of of matters , and if it if it is helpful to this panel that document was acceptable by and large , supported by the District , we can certainly put that in , and can circulate it round .
18 Well I 'd like to see a very open report , and that 's why I Mr , and I 'd like him to look at all the options , we 're deferring this so that we can see what 's possible , you know , , perhaps Hanson Trust would like to come along and offer us fifty million pounds for it , that 'd be a fair deal would n't it , perhaps somebody else would do that .
19 Having looked at all the options , sit down together and decide what to go for .
20 All could take a leaf out of the book of Grant Fox , who performances for New Zealand were the result of constant practice at all the basics .
21 Erm , when we were looking at all the markers like erm ,
22 Let's look at all the ducks .
23 The people were all obviously successful , a scene duplicated at all the tables of The Magpie : success in the City , in Whitehall , in the Ivory Towers of the great teaching hospitals , and at Lincoln 's Inn .
24 People sat at all the tables in the bar , and some tables , there was like two lots of people sat around the same table , sharing a table .
25 Held : By looking at all the circumstances , it was clear that Leonard was self-employed .
26 Thus in considering whether there is a sufficient connection with this country the court will look at all the circumstances , including the residence and place of business of the defendant , his connection with the insolvent , the nature and purpose of the transaction being impugned , the nature and locality of the property involved , the circumstances in which the defendant became involved in the transaction or received a benefit from it or acquired the property in question , whether the defendant acted in good faith , and whether under any relevant foreign law the defendant acquired an unimpeachable title free from any claims even if the insolvent had been adjudged bankrupt or wound up locally .
27 That , of course , is not at all the circumstances now .
28 A sniff at all the corners to see what 's new .
29 Weights were placed at all the corners of the sketches to stop them springing back into tight rolls .
30 It is a stout book , giving the rules of the Association , the officers at all the meetings so far , and all the life and annual subscribers , with addresses — making it a kind of ‘ Who 's Who ’ .
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