Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 I told him all about himself and what he ought to do in life .
2 He 's so good at bottling things up , he ought to work in a ketchup factory . ’
3 He may think in terms of bits of equipment , flows of material , flows of energy or flows of information .
4 In this way he may succeed in attracting the attention of the predator away from the vulnerable fry .
5 When the glider is desperately low the pilot 's handling often goes to pieces , and he may over-rudder in an effort to get round a final turn without touching a wing-tip or turning any steeper .
6 NOW that Tony Bland has died , we pray that he may rest in peace , and that his parents and family may be able to grieve in private for him .
7 For Tony , that he may rest in peace , and for his family for their strengthening and peace .
8 To his friends he may speak in Gaelic rather than in English .
9 He may meet in private with his lawyer , but access to his family is severely restricted : he can see them for no more than one hour a month , under tight surveillance .
10 Whatever a non-teaching staff member 's job , she or he may contribute in a positive way to its success .
11 MAY RIDE : The General may ride an Elven Steed ( +3 points ) , a Monster ( see the separate Monster List for points ) , or he may ride in a two-horse chariot at a cost of +56 points .
12 MAY RIDE : The Battle Standard Bearer may ride an Elven Steed ( +3 points ) , a Monster ( see the separate Monster List for points ) , or he may ride in a two-horse chariot at a cost of +56 points .
13 MAY RIDE : A Hero may ride an Elven Steed ( +3 points ) , a Monster ( see the separate Monster List for points ) , or he may ride in a two-horse chariot at a cost of +56 points .
14 If the rest of his regiment is also mounted , he may ride in a two-horse chariot at a cost of +56 points if he is part of a unit of Tiranoc Charioteers .
15 MAY RIDE : A High Elf Mage may ride an Elven Steed ( +3 points ) , a Monster ( see the separate Monster List for points ) , or he may ride in a two-horse chariot at a cost of +56 points .
16 I think he may have in mind the view advanced by John Stuart Mill in An Examination of Sir William Hamilton 's Philosophy .
17 The same result can be achieved slightly differently by requiring the innocent party to accept repair or replacement in satisfaction of any claim it might have : if the goods prove defective in any way the Seller will replace them and the Buyer shall accept that replacement in satisfaction of any claims he may have in respect of the defects .
18 Already a qualified pilot , he may follow in the flightpath of former West Indies fast bowler Colin Croft and pursue a flying career in America in conjunction with a two-year degree course .
19 No one with any physical defect may serve as priest , though he may share in eating the offerings .
20 As pope he may judge in a matter of broken oaths , an imperfectly observed treaty and a breach of the peace .
21 If the recovery is faltering he 'll clearly want to be more keen to cut interest rates , and also he 'll want to take into account the effect of any tax increases he may introduce in his budget .
22 When a healthy young man asks for employment and his employer wants to know whether his genotype indicates that he may die in his thirties or forties from Huntingdon 's disease , this is unfair .
23 It is possible for a man 's commitment to his fundamental principles to remain firm even though he may act in certain circumstances in a way contrary to those principles .
24 It is open to the senior police officer present to impose conditions under this section whilst the march is in process , and on the same grounds as those on which he may act in advance .
25 There 's a chance he may get in touch with you . ’
26 ‘ Oh Lord , look down upon this sinful child in his wickedness and lead him from his evil ways into righteousness If he is tempted again , remind him of the pains of Thy Hell , the torment and burning , so that he may quiver in his wretched flesh and repent in his immortal soul …
27 Planners need a thorough understanding of the subject field to be explored , and its structure in enquiry ; they need to know what materials , print-form or audio-visual , are available , and suitable , and what special problems they may reveal ; they need to have available at the right time suitable equipment , and places where the equipment may be used , and they need to be sure that the student is able to find and make use of all the resources he may need in the periods of the timetable allotted to the activity .
28 The building owner may either employ a builder to carry out the work or opening up and eradication , or he may call in one of the numerous specialist firms to deal with the attack .
29 ‘ The finest views are from the bottom , and at some places a little above it , but few dare venture to the bottom particularly those females whose pedestrian excursions have chiefly been upon level ground ; nay the male sex are often appalled with a view of the way , and many a Bond-street gentleman , in his stable costume , would rather hazard his neck four-in-hand , than risk it by having his arms precariously supported by the twigs and branches he may find in his way to the gulph below . ’
30 But an object contemplated for its beauty alone spontaneously attracts the spectator and rouses him to expand and intensify his awareness of it ; and however much or little trust he may put in the formulation of aesthetic standards , he evaluates it by his reaction at the unsustainable height of concentration when he is responding to all his information at once .
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