Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If he gets the benefit for which he stipulated , he ought to honour his promise , and he ought not to avoid it by saying that the mother was herself under a duty to maintain the child .
2 The following year , after an excellent May and June playing for David Waterlane , Drew felt he ought to put something back into the game .
3 As to the visit to Merstham , I had hoped that if he were to come all that way , he ought to see something of the country , as it was then still of an unspoilt rural character and in autumn especially beautiful .
4 And then I made a mistake , I felt it had all been a sacrifice in vain , I felt I had to make him appreciate what I 'd done , that he ought to let me go — so I tried to tell him .
5 Edward Crumwallis knew he ought to say something .
6 So if you approach a sympathetic , but so far neutral , person and start telling him that he ought to give his support because of x , y and z policies he is likely to be bored and irritated .
7 He varied his dancing routine with occasional headlong gallops round the lawn and it was after he had done about ten successive laps that he seemed to decide he ought to do something about the bitch .
8 She could no longer feel her feet , but , glancing down at them , not too obviously for fear Richard should feel that he ought to do something about them , she saw that both of them were now bleeding .
9 Well I think he ought to do something .
10 The drive — perhaps that was what he ought to call it ? — which Gemma may well have inherited in abundance .
11 Now as I understand it the minister 's position is that he be bound to refer that matter to the partner responsible for audit and that partner er would then be put on notice that er he ought to report it to the relevant authority .
12 But he feels he ought to dislike it even more than he does , thought Dalziel .
13 My work is my cork and my ideas are my ideas and he ought to leave them alone , I say .
14 Perhaps he ought to take her home before he embarrassed both of them .
15 Lisa was tempted to respond , yes , that was precisely how he ought to take it , but decided that might be unnecessarily forthright .
16 They had n't made university and the difference between their comfortable life style — houses on an executive estate , en suite bathrooms , artificial coal fires in what they called the lounge , working wives , a new car every two years and timeshares in Majorca — provided both with agreeable hours of self-satisfied comparisons which he knew would always end with the same conclusion , that he ought to pull himself together , that it was n't right , not after all the sacrifices Mum and Dad had made to send him to college , and a fine waste of money that had proved .
17 He 'll be here any minute and he ought to know what 's best . ’
18 ‘ I thought he ought to know which Queen we were fighting for , ’ he said afterwards .
19 That period is to all intents and purposes part of the sentence , and he ought to know everything that is said about him before it is fixed .
20 He ought to know you himself , of course , but he 's getting old .
21 Nothing very dramatic here , then , but at least he was in the buying and selling game , not a wage slave , and there can hardly have been a time when it was not easier to sell the odd pork chop or two than it was to convince an employer that he ought to buy your skills as a craftsman .
22 He ought to hand it over to the experts .
23 Yet , in the context of the long-standing dispute of Aquitaine , Edward III 's claim was strong enough to persuade him that he ought to pursue it , if only as an alternative means of achieving sovereign rule in Aquitaine .
24 Yet as we talked and ate , he looked mostly at Werewolf and then at his daughter and occasionally you could see him thinking that maybe he ought to change his Will .
25 He 'll be creeping about in the half-dark wondering if he ought to burn his suit , scraping the mud off his shoes .
26 As he had already been interviewed four times and been in police custody for over 24 hours , the expectation would be that a solicitor might well consider that , at least for that evening , enough was enough and that he ought to advise his client not to answer further questions … .
27 Charles Paris was heard to remark cynically that George , having seen that the star had got a deaf-aid , thought he ought to have one too .
28 My husband feels he ought to have someone else on the side .
29 He was very tempted to hurry developments along in that area , but with things as they were he decided he ought to play it very carefully .
30 Eliot 's letter of 22 October confirmed that he still had not received details from the Club ; but he understandably felt that while he could accept our invitation to tea , he ought to reserve his position about dinner .
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