Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He rather hoped his wife would wake and catch him like this , unshaven , hair greasy and uncombed , and as he stood beside the bed he farted quite loudly , as if to remind her that she deserved someone as awful as him .
2 All the same he rather hoped it was n't coley , suitable Lenten fare though it might be .
3 He rather hoped she would complain so he could point out that incontestable fact .
4 ‘ I think he rather likes you , ’ Ginny said .
5 The family had finished their supper when she got home , but her temper was soothed by her reception : Herr Nordern coming from the bedroom to greet her , Omi fussing , Erika getting her meal , even Paul helping her off with her coat , although he rather spoiled his effect by then chucking it over the back of a chair instead of hanging it up .
6 He rather thought they might be .
7 He rather thought he 'd let him stew for a while ; with the murder investigation on , he could n't get far — or he 'd be a fool to try , and Peckham was no fool .
8 One of his main interests was Italian art , but he rather felt he 'd like to keep that for himself , not muck it up with money and degrees .
9 Besides , he rather liked her boozy self-confidence — and her style of interior decoration .
10 In his treatise I Will Pray with the Spirit he describes that Church 's Book of Common Prayer as ‘ a mere human invention , which God is so far from owning it that He expressly forbids it , in His most Holy and Blessed Word ’ .
11 ‘ Oh , no ? ’ he drawled mockingly as he slowly lowered his dark head towards her .
12 ‘ Put me down , ’ she whispered through dry lips , and only after what seemed an eternity did he slowly lower her to one side .
13 And that was exactly what the radiologist was doing as he slowly ran his sensor over my stomach .
14 Talking softly the whole time , he slowly ran his hands over her , caressing , gentling and scratching up and down her mane where once her mother would have lovingly nibbled her , then progressing to her back and flanks .
15 Afterwards , they lay silently together and as he thought of the recent conversation with Giancarlo he slowly ran his finger along her hip-bone and down towards her inner thigh .
16 When the van came to a halt and the loading doors were opened he slowly raised his head and blinked at the light , like some slow-moving reptile whose rock had been taken away .
17 Taking the brain in two hands , he slowly lifted it out backwards .
18 When she grew calmer , he slowly released her and she walked away a few paces , staggering , digging her hands in her pockets and turning her back on him .
19 His face curiously bleak , he slowly released her .
20 And then , with a heavy sigh that shuddered through his hard frame , he slowly released her .
21 He slowly released her , and she lay against his arm , against the soft needlecord jacket .
22 He slowly released her , looking deep into her eyes .
23 He slowly made his way along the train of fish vans .
24 ‘ Right-ho ! ’ and he slowly squelched his way through the gate and out of sight .
25 Handing her one of the mugs , his eyes on her apprehensive face , he slowly sipped his own coffee .
26 A natural leader of men , well liked , respected , and , as though aware of her watching , he slowly turned his head .
27 To a slow hand-clap , he slowly removed his mask and then hers , took her gently in his arms and kissed her tenderly .
28 Without saying anything , he held out a fist and then , as she watched , mesmerised , he slowly opened his fingers to reveal something lying in the palm .
29 As he slowly revolved he observed all points of the compass with eyes wide in wonder .
30 He slowly picked himself up .
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