Example sentences of "he [verb] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With his quiet and loving manner , he would always listen and wish to know what local people thought before he made any decisions .
2 Or perhaps you secretly hoped Rocky would get knocked out before he made any sequels .
3 Thus , the trainer is our example was watching for relaxation before he made any demands on the horse , and also communicating his calm confidence .
4 He attacked any deviation from ‘ class positions ’ in public life , and called for a more vigorous defence of the founders of socialism .
5 The following summary is based on a study of his original ballets and tragedies en musique written for the Académie Royale de Musique before he produced any cantatas .
6 ‘ Did he make any statement ? ’
7 The stark desire in his face threatened to take what strength she had left , nor did he make any attempt to hide the blatant response of his body to that consuming , passionate kiss , continuing to hold her so tightly that she could feel him with every part of her being , could still taste him inside her mouth .
8 She parked outside the high brick wall rather than driving on to the forecourt , and as if he sensed her reluctance to enter the house again he did n't attempt to invite her inside — but neither did he make any attempt to get out of the car , and they sat in silence in the light from an overhead street-lamp .
9 ‘ Did he make any suggestions ? ’
10 And , for another thing , if he got any dirt on his clothes he 'd get a beating .
11 A creditor whose claim includes an element of VAT can either prove for the whole amount of the claim ( and pay to HM Customs and Excise the VAT element irrespective of whether or not he receives any dividend ) or prove for the amount of his claim net of VAT and reclaim the VAT under the Value Added Tax ( Bad Debt Relief ) Regulations 1978 .
12 His appointment was not greeted with universal enthusiasm , for while his tenacity and methodical approach were respected , his mind was slow and he lacked any spark of technical brilliance .
13 She knows Victor to be a troublemaker , and even remembers the boy 's father 's remarks at the last parents ' evening , encouraging her to give Victor a ‘ good smack if he causes any trouble ’ .
14 ‘ I 've warned him I 'll give Argyll his head on a plate if he causes any trouble . ’
15 Violence was the only crime for which he found any link with unemployment .
16 Perhaps the most significant intellectual advance of the mid-20th century was indeed made by Karl Popper , not because he provided any kind of method for scientists to pursue ( as he decidedly did not ) but because he showed for the first time in formal philosophy , that science is inescapably a human activity , and that if its underlying human-ness is ever shelved it is only temporarily , and for convenience , to ameliorate human frailty .
17 In my view , the prisoner should be given this information before he writes any representation he may wish to make .
18 Thus to those conservatives who , arguing against the ordination of women , contend that Jesus ordained no ‘ priestesses ’ , it must be said that neither did he ordain any priests !
19 ’ We did a great deal on behalf of Nicholas Brown and are very surprised to hear that he has any complaints about the Foreign Office .
20 " If I find he has any connections with Ireland , I 'll kill him , " Katherine Lundy snapped , and Michael Lee suddenly realized that hi did n't know if she was serious or not .
21 ‘ My husband has married only once , ’ she told me ‘ but he has forgotten that he has any duties . ’
22 ‘ Not if he has any sense . ’
23 This fellow 's excuse for putting his shovel into the public purse is that he is executive producer of the Wogan show , something he keeps to himself in public places if he has any sense .
24 I do not doubt the hon. Gentleman 's aspiration to get people off the dole queue , but I doubt whether he has any policies to achieve that .
25 if he has any queries he can give me a ring but
26 ‘ It does n't sound as though he has any luck at all ! ’
27 Terrorism will come to an end when the terrorist no longer believes that he has any chance of securing his objective by the means that he is using .
28 The selection of committees is an important matter and the newly-elected councillor , if he has any preferences , should make them known in some form either to his political group or to his acquaintances on the council .
29 If he has any choice , the Profitboss will share a simple lunch with his customers .
30 Mr. Denzil Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether he has any plans to meet in the near future the chairman of British Coal to discuss the state of the Welsh coalfield .
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