Example sentences of "he [verb] other [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 If he discounts other people 's slivers , he can give only his limited view and the true proportions of the 3-dimensional many coloured " whites " and yolks may be grossly misrepresented .
2 But it seems to me that he needs other people to bounce off , even though he can do it all himself .
3 If he includes other people 's slivers , he may well perpetuate damaging myths about that person .
4 He hated other people 's leaving him for bed , and when he saw a hard mood ahead he often took a sleeping pill at supper to stop himself from being clamorous , though at the same time he found his terror about the end of a day daft in a creature who was surely intended by build to signify immortal fun .
5 Mr Lawson responded pleasantly : ‘ I am glad that my honourable friend raised that issue because , although it is an absurdity , it is believed by many people other than my honourable friend , who understandably picks up things that he hears other people say . ’
6 This in complete contrast to Holden who , although he criticises other people 's behaviour , does not describe them as individuals ; consequently in ‘ The Catcher in the Rye ’ , there is no serious development of any character except the central figure , whereas in ‘ Villette ’ , several characters are developed .
7 During this time Dad was discovering how much he liked other people .
8 Whether it was because he had other fish to fry is unrecorded , but Hartlepool 's chippies had made the law courts before .
9 this week again there 's a lot of repeats in it , and he said other people that send adverts in ca n't even get er a look in , they do n't , anyway that , after he wrote the letter it was in the following week .
10 It was a small personal obligation , and to date it had n't particularly fretted what he supposed other people called conscience .
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