Example sentences of "he [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 Kuypers was the first to use this technique in studies of the brain and over the next 10 years , now in the United States , he charted at a new level of detail the connections made by the cerebral cortex with nervous elements in the brain-stem and spinal cord that control movement in a number of higher mammals .
2 He lived at a very difficult time ; they wanted him back at La Scala , but there was always the possibility that Toscanini would return .
3 However , he lived at a time when the centuries-old Almagest of the Egyptian scholar Claudius Ptolemy was still being used by the Church to defend the doctrines of Scripture with ‘ evidence ’ and ‘ confirmation ’ ( not that Ptolemy had ever had the remotest idea that his book would support the Bible ! ) .
4 About to leave the room with the intention of driving immediately away , he checked at a slight sound by the open door to the outside and looked around .
5 True to form , he attacked at an unexpected moment .
6 He points at a young blond amateur heavyweight who looks like a fraternity kid .
7 Richard Roberts seized the opportunity to contract with landowners for the purchase of their wood and furze crop , which he sold at a handsome profit to the tinners .
8 On a more light-hearted note , a friend of mine had become sexually involved with a woman he met at a party , although he confided that he had niggling doubts about the relationship .
9 When Buck goes to a diner , he sits at a table opposite a creepy woman with a nervous tic who keeps running a grey rubber mouse over her face .
10 There he sits at a table , a confident and debonaire man-about-town , a bachelor with even a touch of the dandy about him .
11 He argued at a Westminster press conference that in only 35 out of 403 local authority areas would any claimants gain or break even , despite Mrs Thatcher 's pledge in July 1987 that they would not be adversely affected .
12 He gazed at a glass block , soaring upwards , in whose mirror cliff-face swam the distorted white reflection of a Wren church spire .
13 He gazed at an ineffable , agonizing radiance which only he could perceive , banishing whatever throwback emotions the brew had triggered .
14 He looks at a wooden fence , a section of which was ripped away when the dead man fell back with the bullet in his heart , and he suggests what must have happened .
15 this fixed fee competitive scenario , then we will insist that we are actually comparing apples with apples and not apples with pears , whe when the client looks at our fee and he looks at an external consultant 's or another railway internal consultant 's fee
16 He 's been granted bail , provided he lives at a secret address .
17 ‘ ( 1 ) … where an individual is adjudged bankrupt and he has at a relevant time … entered into a transaction with any person at an undervalue , the trustee of the bankrupt 's estate may apply to the court for an order under this section .
18 Not only had he resigned at a particularly sensitive historical moment , it was also a political fact of life that the Cold War situation literally demanded that no concessions be made to anyone venturing to attack the party ; and the attempt to rehabilitate the " police spy " Nizan was undoubtedly perceived as an attack on the party .
19 His foot slipped and he grasped at a piece of jutting tile and dragged himself back to safety .
20 After dark he stopped at a Little Chef , had a quick meal of scrambled eggs and coffee , then continued his journey .
21 He stopped at a little roadside inn and found inside an old woman at work with a spinning wheel , like ‘ a dark silhouette out of a fairy tale ’ , and beyond her , through the window , the clear sky and a path through the delicate green , and geese pecking in the grass .
22 Driving back from a game with fellow coloureds , he stopped at a white sports ground to watch a match played by members of the SACU .
23 He stopped at a small , quiet pub and bought a meal , then went on again .
24 Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a hole in the ground .
25 His last call would be in Trinity Road , Hilderbridge , so he stopped at a confectioners and bought a box of fruit jellies .
26 He stopped at a gate , and in large red letters on the middle bar of the gate he painted some words from the Bible :
27 He stopped at an ale-house to leave further messages with Tab the tinker for Benedicta and Watkin ; they were to lock the church after morning Mass and , if the widow felt so inclined , she should take Bonaventure back to her own house .
28 As a youngster , growing up in the declining Lanarkshire coalfields , he trained at a local Junior ground wearing his father 's pit boots , trying to add strength and shape to his diminutive body .
29 He sucked at a bottle of Guinness , and went on fingering the rounds .
30 He starts at a medieval Gothic window , a remnant of the first university in central Europe ( founded 1348 ) ; he pauses at the rebuilt Bethlehem Chapel , the site of where the Mass was first allowed in Czech , and Jan Hus preached before being burnt for heresy in 1413 ; he pays respects to the relics of the Jewish quarter with its ancient and crowded graveyard ; to cross the river he uses the Charles Bridge , lined with Baroque statues ( many between 1700 and 1720 ) , and climbs the hill to the Castle where art and architecture of all periods again further embellish the golden city of central Europe .
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