Example sentences of "he [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 He made for a line of scrub between two gates and waited until the street outside was fairly clear , then climbed the railings and dropped down .
2 As soon as we had cleared customs he made for a bank of telephones , and when he rejoined me he was smiling .
3 In 1902 he lived for a short period in Clerkenwell , east London .
4 Scott inherited the family estate in 1596 , but from 1612 until towards the end of his life he lived for a good part of the year in Canterbury .
5 He plays for a mixed side in his spare time and is well up with the rules which is pretty useful because they seem to change every couple of months . ’
6 Robert Bevan , one of their number , had worked at Pont-Aven and had known Paul Gauguin , and Sickert , whose sympathy with France went deep , owned a house in Neuville , on the outskirts of Dieppe , which he lent for a time to the Gilmans .
7 Catching sight of her , the boy Charles — see him now ! — wants To follow his father 's model : he asks , he begs for a keen horse , Urgently demands weapons , quiver and swift arrows , And craves to go chasing after the doe , just as his father himself would do .
8 Soon Godwin was to sell the shop to Collins — and trigger its slow decline — but before he quit for a job as chief editor with Penguin Books he decided to open a paperback section in Old Compton Street .
9 In the first week of January 1979 , President Giscard d'Estaing expounded his view when he met for a summit conference with Jimmy Carter , Hemut Schmidt , the West German chancellor , and James Callaghan , the British prime minister , on the French West Indian island of Guadeloupe .
10 Meanwhile , reflecting upon the record of the Labour government of 1945–51 and on the policies which its successor should pursue , he argued for a coherent socialist policy which would be freshly committed to ideals and be capable of realization .
11 In 1987 he argued for a beefed-up Neddy with the council meetings chaired by the industry secretary rather than by the chancellor .
12 Yet for all that he no longer believed the creed in which he had been raised : for all that he fought for a king against an upstart general , for the old order against the new , Karelius recognized that at heart he would always be one of Cromwell 's men .
13 He fought for a while , hence the strands of cord found under the finger nails , but he was murdered and left there to hang so others would think he had taken his own life . ’
14 He fought for a local government seat in Islington in 1982 and gained Stockton south from the SDP in 1987 .
15 Bob Haboldt , who showed a mixture of Italian , French , Dutch and Flemish works mostly priced at FFr 50–150,000 , sold four , but found collectors surprised by the FFr 500,000 ( £51,500 ; $89,700 ) he was asking for a very rare study of deer by Jan Brueghel the Elder and the FFr 400,000 ( £41,200 ; $71,750 ) he expected for a study of standing men by Pietro da Cortona .
16 Nigel wondered if any film star would be discerning enough to employ him if he applied for a chauffeur 's job .
17 On arrival he applied for a passport , but neither the French , the Austrian or the Prussian embassies were willing to provide one and he was ultimately obliged to travel disguised , on a Swiss passport .
18 Wright pleaded guilty to all charges , and also admitted obtaining £207,000 from the Halifax Building Society by deception when he applied for a mortgage claiming , falsely , that he did not have one .
19 Within six days , on 3 May 1862 , the young boy died , Benjamin declaring as he applied for a certificate that he had been present at the death .
20 Everything here fed his masochism — as he had known instinctively that it would when he applied for a similar position in the English coalfields some years before , only to be told that he was not mature enough .
21 He applied for a grant of land and this was sold to him for a nominal sum .
22 He applied for a post in the service of the archduke : but Ferdinand was advised by his mother not to burden himself with such ‘ useless creatures who travel around all over the place , like beggars ’ .
23 Connolly was sentenced to one day 's imprisonment , after which he applied for a summons against the labour master for alleged assault .
24 At the suggestion of the Delta Commander he applied for a post at UNACO and was finally accepted six weeks later after a succession of exhaustive interviews .
25 Repeating a five-year-old falsehood about his nationality , he applied for a one-year renewal of his passport on 24 September 1938 and , on this occasion , repeated what he now knew to be false that he was British by birth .
26 When they acquired holes he applied for a clothing grant .
27 I was told that his legal advisers were concerned that if he applied for a taxation this would amount to an adoption of the bills and prejudice his other objections to the bill .
28 He applied for a patent for his design on 26 July 1907 .
29 In December 1937 he applied for a short-service commission in the RAF and to his evident amazement was accepted and sent for elementary flying training in 90 m.p.h .
30 In the 1650s Howard evidently also developed an interest in industrial practices , and on 27 October 1660 he applied for a patent for a new method of tanning , the subject of a printed broadsheet , Brief directions how to Tanne Leather according to a new Invention ( n.d . ) .
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