Example sentences of "he [verb] for [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He made for London , where he resumed his former way of life , a mixture of study and worldly pleasures , but never losing sight of the main objective .
2 Ice on the north coast of Spitsbergen made it impossible to pass Amsterdam Island , and so he made for Franz Josef Land , discovered only in 1873–4 , and partly mapped .
3 The 50-minute film he made for Arena suggests why : Last Supper — Frank on Frank looks like a parody of the excesses of Sixties avant-garde film-making .
4 well the thing is I mean he plays for England under twenty ones
5 ‘ Whenever he plays for Arsenal , there always seems to be so much pressure on him .
6 Nearer home , he is a stalwart of the chess club at his present school , Yarm School junior department , and he plays for Stokesley in the senior division of the chess league .
7 Before losing out to Northampton who were bullies , I was at that match at Buckingham Road and I thought they were bullies , especially Bobby Barnes , not the wrestler , used to play for West Ham , but he plays for Northampton now , he 's gone now , but they were , they , they were naughty .
8 The Lithuanian back division , as Liubinskas was a little suspect against Northern Ireland but this was primarily due to the absence of 32-year-old central defender Vlacheslavas Sukristovas who was unable to obtain a visa from Israel where he plays for Maccabi Netanya .
9 He checked for Lawton and Forster , saw them pass the entrance again .
10 He cared for Noah , freely and very , very closely .
11 Pound did not reach Washington , however , until the middle of November 1945 and the first real chance Eliot had to acquaint himself with the situation was on the business trip to the United States which he planned for June and July of 1946 .
12 However , he got better results in his own TV film , The Ewok Adventure ( aka Caravan of Courage , 1984 ) , which he produced for Lucas , by shooting some action sequences with most of the picture area on the negative blocked off , then — working from a test strip just before the main action — matching the matte painting to the unexposed area and finally compositing action and painting together .
13 He rode for Boro Bears at 16 , before he joined Bradford for a £20,000 fee .
14 Shortly after this fight , my father was reinstated amateur and , as an amateur , he fought for England against Germany in 1937 at the Albert Hall , beating Otto Kastner , the Olympic champion and Golden Gloves winner .
15 He fought for King Charles in the Civil War and was killed at Marston Moor in 1644 .
16 He fought for Orkney and won it , against men just like Siward .
17 At his consecration , he had promised to maintain Canterbury 's rights of every kind , from the primacy down to the smallest knight 's fee , and we have seen that in Rufus 's reign he allowed many , as we might think , greater matters to lie dormant while he fought for Canterbury 's rights .
18 It was Cannistraro and his colleagues who also identified this man as an accomplice of the two Libyans arrested at Dakar ( and subsequently released ) who took over from Ahmed Jibril after he asked for Gaddafi 's help .
19 When he asked for Hugh Sixsmith at the desk , two men in suits climbed quickly from their chairs .
20 He asked for Sir Archibald , and was directed further .
21 He asked for Superintendent Carstairs , who happily , was on duty .
22 Whipping out a dagger that glistened wetly with venom , he lunged for Richmann with a speed as close to that of a striking cobra as is humanly possible .
23 Should he make for Robert 's assart ?
24 He had quite a few , half a dozen there in the gunroom , with the light one he got for Neil as a boy , and I used to use .
25 He translated for Joseph .
26 Sometimes he deputises for James Barlow , the butler , whose qualifications — his father is a baronet — are as impeccable as his Edwardian white gloves .
27 Tony 's enthusiasm for the feel of this SG-shaped model with its 24 fret neck enabled JD to take the dimensions and incorporate them into the new instruments he built for Iommi .
28 As he headed for St Margaret 's Grove he was bundled over the fence into the field .
29 TOMORROW he heads for Bridport in Dorset — a real 26-mile marathon .
30 Neil Kinnock will be in his Islwyn constituency in South Wales where local Labour supporters expect to arrange a small party before he heads for London .
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