Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 Kane , in creating the world , did not , like Yahweh , make light : he made himself into light .
2 I did n't re I thought he actually made a person , I did n't realize he made himself into a person .
3 Pushing his briefcase aside , he lowered himself into a chair , rested his elbow on the back , and crossed one leg over the other .
4 After a moment 's hesitation she sat in one of the large armchairs , half expecting to be pushed on to the settee , but he allowed her to sit alone , only raising an eyebrow as he lowered himself into the matching chair .
5 He looked to belong to a different generation from that of Dysart and Ockleton , his face flushed and lined beneath a mane of grey hair , his chest heaving desperately as he lowered himself into the wheelchair .
6 Then he lowered himself into the driving seat , slowly and painfully , and pulled the door shut .
7 He lowered himself into an old leather chair and continued chewing while he waited .
8 He lowered me into a chair at the foot of the stairs and stood above me critically .
9 He whispered something into the ear of my dishevelled companion , who produced a bundle wrapped in old copies of Pravda .
10 Anthony even claimed to have discovered ‘ maps of Ireland ’ on the sheets when he stuffed them into the machine in the local Launderette .
11 He plunged himself into all this and more , avidly reading everything that came his way ; especially poetry , and not least Spanish , Chinese and Japanese poets in translation , but chiefly that of Federico Garçia Lorca and W.B. Yeats , of whom he mused , ‘ I loved Yeats ; his connections ( such an important code-word with Leonard ! ) his rhythms . ’
12 He plunged it into a dish of lavender essence and was astonished how quickly the burn healed .
13 The governor , fearing for his life , drew his sword and attacked Paulus , but his aim was either too feeble or misdirected to be effective , so he plunged it into his own body .
14 Not many women reach her years and have as much — for everything he can imagine her wanting he hastens to provide ; and it is bestowed as if she were a young and lovely creature at her first ball , and when he helps her down the stairs or into a taxi — for she is getting frail — he turns her into Gloriana .
15 Typical James , thought Cameron , as he handed back the flask and looked at his friend 's flushed face : we are plotting to save our lives and he turns it into a holiday .
16 He turns it into a hotel and falls in love with a local French lass .
17 Male homosexuals in a large number of cases , says Freud , do not give up the mother and find another woman as sexual object , but they identify with their mother : ‘ he transforms himself into her and now looks about for objects which can replace his ego for him and on which he can bestow such love and care as he has experienced with his mother ’ .
18 With feet of lead he pitches us into the high winds with the wisdom of a professional .
19 She made herself as comfortable as she could , listening to the sounds Travis made as he zipped himself into the sleeping-bag and made himself comfortable .
20 He asked them into Sainsbury 's , borrowed a pencil from the sausage assistant , and wrote his name on the paper bag .
21 He led her into one of his work alcoves where a hi-res VDR was set up .
22 Follow , ’ and , holding her hand , he led her into the bedroom .
23 He led her into the bedroom , which was glowing with an intense white light like nothing she had ever seen in England .
24 ‘ Mrs Wormwood is n't going to thank you for this , ’ the man said as he led her into the sitting-room where a large platinum-blonde woman was gazing rapturously at the TV screen .
25 He led her into a large room where a floor-to-ceiling window gave out on a garden dominated by a fountain and a single curving oak , its tracery of branches lavish against the steel grey sky .
26 He led her into his study where she had never yet been .
27 He led her into another room , and there listened , with a good deal of amazement , to Rose 's account of her extraordinary conversation with Nancy .
28 His head was spinning as he led her into the reception building .
29 He led her into the hall with a shining expanse of parquet floor in front of her , his hand still on her arm .
30 He led her into the room and , looking at the four musicians , he said , ‘ This is Peggy , my sparring partner ever since we both crawled on the lawn together .
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