Example sentences of "he [vb -s] out the " in BNC.

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1 He 's extremely cheerful , if somewhat misguided , as he points out the many features of the room , and mentions that the public rooms in the Cottage will be opened at seven o'clock .
2 He points out the surprising truth that an accurate random sample of 1,000 people will work whether it is taken from a population of 5,000 , five million or 50 million .
3 While he points out the ‘ approximation of class and status came to an end ’ and that ‘ traditional class structures broke down ’ .
4 Unconcerned that it took him more than a year to prepare for , he points out the record wait for a first speech is 40 years and even Margaret Thatcher took 18 months before she made hers .
5 What he does , when he goes out the , to put a
6 He ladles out the contents of the pot while I am wondering if the laibon thinks it was a handy way to get rid of a rival .
7 I 'm gon na have a wee Bill 's bloody worse , he stands there , he looks out the bloody window as much as any bugger .
8 I love the way he lies out the
9 Like a detective displaying the only clues in a case in which he has become personally involved , he holds out the croci with a shrug of quiet resolve .
10 And the next morning when they get up Ruth makes his way into the town , and he goes to where all the , the men sit and they talk , the city gate , and there he he searches out the nearer relative of Ruth 's .
11 He sketches out the prosecution case , suggesting that Lenny McLean sought to teach Humphreys a lesson because ‘ he was being a darned nuisance ’ .
12 On his newest album , Double Good Everything ( Capitol ) he measures out the steps a soul man must take to remain on top of the game .
13 He shakes out the match and places the spent end on the work surface beside the cooker .
14 He cuts out the middle men and women — the dreaded parents — and goes straight for the hearts and minds of kids .
15 He draws out the richest tones that he is capable of here .
16 He curses them , as young men do — but not young ladies — he pulls out the arrow roughly , then leaves the creature there where it lay down and died .
17 Anderson , shaken by what he has seen , returns to the hotel where he finds out the result of the match — a heavy defeat for England — from two English sports journalists ( Grayson and Chamberlain ) in rooms adjacent to his ( scene seven ) .
18 has to come up to the house to talk to him and erm like he sort of opens the door and just shuts it in his face cos he finds out the other bloke 's a prince and he 's just standing there in the rain .
19 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
20 The doctor says he 'll be surprised if he lasts out the day . ’
21 He puts out the light .
22 He sets out the triads that can be extracted from a particular scale , then he applies various formulae for adding and subtracting notes to and from the triads in order to realise the scale type 's total harmonic potential .
23 At the very opening of Of Grammatology , for example , he sets out the thesis that writing constitutes the condition of emergence for all forms of historicity as such :
24 22 v. 10 ) , and against muzzling the ox ‘ when he treadeth out the corn ’ ( Deut .
25 He spells out the first name and I 'm thinking Jemayl/Jemmel , uh-huh .
26 He brings out the child in himself and everyone else . ’
27 he works out the .
28 Fees for a full structural survey will vary with the age and size of the property , which is why it is essential to meet the surveyor to discuss the scope , and cost , before he carries out the work .
29 The council decide the policy but the official carries it out , and the way in which he carries out the instructions of the council is in accordance with his recognised professional skill and knowledge .
30 He leaves out the vowels .
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