Example sentences of "he [vb -s] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You 're telling me you 're playing la , he told me he plays in ladies teams , I bet you all had great fun , watching them women bending over table .
2 Gerry Harrison has been signed on loan from Bristol City and he plays in midfield
3 Equally , when it came to promotion to captain in the Mediterranean fleet , interest was obviously a strong influence upon the admiral , for he remarks in July 1799 that ‘ Adam Drummond came to me yesterday .
4 So he goes in October you went and er same time as us
5 Already he goes in awe of you .
6 The anonymous , pronoun-less protagonist is a ‘ colourless ’ man who divides his time between the shack where he lives with his wife and the Labour Exchange where he goes in search of employment .
7 He sits in front of the cake .
8 Here he sits in front of one of his own paintings which , by using double exposure , appears through the left eye in which he was going blind .
9 Likewise we suspect , from the ignorance he displays in scene one of Chetwyn and his work , that his praise of Chetwyn 's university , in the next scene , is given merely to uphold the approbation maxim and thus the Politeness Principle .
10 And he drives in London er er er for meeting !
11 He laughs in disbelief .
12 The Convention provides first that a diplomatic officer and consular agent may take evidence without compulsion in civil or commercial matters from nationals of the State he represents in aid of proceedings commenced in the courts of the State represented .
13 Freud 's view here is Comtean ; he thinks in terms of three stages for the progress of civilization , beginning with the animistic phase , to which modern obsessional or paranoid neurotics regress , going through an intermediate phase of religion , which is different from the first because people give the powers and omnipotence to gods , and not to themselves as they do in the magical phase of animism .
14 Th th that the quarry man somehow has has an investment in the erm in the rock in th other than than than what he receives in wages .
15 IF HE WINS in Barcelona , and sets the gold and lustrous seal upon his career , he will raise himself decisively above such nonsense before retiring to the rest of his life .
16 The proof of the pudding will lie in the deal that he wins in Europe .
17 For example , one surface dyslexic can accurately define the irregular words that he regularizes in pronunciation tasks ( for instance , pronouncing ‘ colonel ’ as ‘ COL-OH-NELL ’ ) .
18 As he lies in hospital next day , shot .
19 Thanks to Macaulay , he lives in history as the very type of a Whig oligarch .
20 It appears that he lives in Wimbledon . ’
21 These days , he lives in Singapore in a palace of unimaginable concrete and grandeur . ’
22 He 's expecting to see son Gary when he arrives in the North ; he lives in Dad 's old home town of Middlesbrough .
23 He lives in London with his wife and young daughter .
24 He lives in London .
25 He lives in London
26 He lives in London .
27 Do n't know how it happened , but he got there and he lives in London now .
28 He lives in London , but has a base in Milton Keynes and says they have support across the constituency .
29 Would there be a fee involved , I mean I ask not only for me but for Ivan as well since he lives in Devon .
30 Lindsay Philpott , the Tory , is said to be at an even greater disadvantage than he would otherwise be because he lives in Cardiff .
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