Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 But he displays the same choosiness in this area too : ‘ I find most of the things on television are pretty repetitive .
2 He thinks the same way as I do about our work .
3 He thinks the same as you , it should be banned and strictly sort of I do n't .
4 Nobody believes his story , of course — he looks the same as he always has done .
5 Hyatt , a Canadian case which was decided by the Privy Council , it was held that where a director holds himself out to be the agent of the shareholders , then he owes the same fiduciary duties as would an ordinary agent to his principal .
6 ‘ Alexander , he has the same name as the late king .
7 A speaker somehow ‘ translates ’ his ideas or thoughts into spoken or written signs , he ‘ encodes ’ them , and the hearer translates them back again , he ‘ decodes ’ them , so that he has the same thoughts , near enough , as the speaker .
8 The social anthropologist is equally , of course , an entrepreneur whose special expertise lies in mediating between exotic cultures and his own , and he has the same vested interests as other go-betweens .
9 He looks like Sir Hugo , and he has the same evil character .
10 The hon. Gentleman will forgive me if I say that he has the same problem with me that I have with the Whips Office .
11 and he wants the same facility with his left as with his right .
12 He says the same thing about a range of measures , including the measures advocated by the Labour party , which would put many part-time women employees out of work .
13 The second man comes , he says the same thing and his brother 's waiting at the gate and she goes only if you fuck me !
14 Next he uses the same technique but this time on to a sheet of transparent glass placed on trestles , which allows the photographer to film the act through the glass , so that we see the paint falling around the pebbles and wires already placed on the glass .
15 He uses the same methods as with the other five people he has so far deceived , his ‘ outward action ’ being the opposite of the ‘ native act and figure ’ of his heart , but he carries the principle of inversion much further .
16 For Rolle the first stage , " insuperable " involves a love of God which nothing can shake : He uses the same degrees translated as " vnouercomyn " " indepartyd " and " singuler " ( 11.123 – 4.26,32,5 ) in Emendatio Vitae and it illuminates his thinking in The Form .
17 He uses the same strategy in scene one when he realises that he has failed to infer from McKendrick 's prompting that he should have recognised him .
18 There is not , however , among those he quotes the same unambiguous acceptance of the private ownership of the means of production as appears in the pronouncements by the continental Socialist parties .
19 In a curious way — Letterman thinks — he bears the same relationship to Parisian life that the Hispanics have to LA life .
20 He costs the same points as an ordinary trooper .
21 He costs the same points as an ordinary trooper .
22 He costs the same points as an ordinary trooper .
23 He wears the same sixty quid sweatshirt and Nike Air to school every day .
24 Two weeks later , the same friend is walking down Oxford Street when he sees the same man with the same two gorillas .
25 If he suffers the same fate as Clark , it could well cost him a place in the squad for the most vital game in Newcastle 's 100-year history .
26 He requires the same of his people .
27 ‘ Mickey has played at the highest level and he gets the same thing out of the game as he has always done .
28 But if he borrows the same amount a second time he becomes liable to a second charge .
29 He applies the same pragmatic attitude to design in his leisure-time pursuits as he does to the working environment .
30 It was not a lesson , according to Mayhew , that the poor in fact needed to learn , for he finds the same scrupulous cleanliness in the poorest of London tenements , where every object in sight from chairs to children seems to have been that moment newly scrubbed .
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