Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [art] little " in BNC.

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1 He goes a little bit further down the road .
2 He produces the little black pistol he keeps stuffed in the waistband of his trousers , and he grips it snug in his hand .
3 He studies the little dark face and massages a limp hand until the fingers curl around his own .
4 With Serafin back in Oxford and Mrs Padmore hard at work on the tapes he has a little time on his hands .
5 He has a little scullery down there , where he cooks his mad grub .
6 If it 's gon na plague him and give him trouble let's get it sorted out this year , even if it means that he has a little bit of temporary deafness for a little while , you know ?
7 He has a little bit of a scratchiness in one of his eyes
8 Yeah , he does , he thinks it 's another just that he has a little drink now and then .
9 He says the little girl called Julie , the love-child of his fling with a New York drama teacher , gives him a sense of being alive .
10 Despite the occasional brush with the law ( ‘ obstructing the police ’ in Vienna ) , Mr Rossi seems to have led a laudatory ( for a man of his calling ) existence — save for the fact that he bears no little responsibility in influencing the progeny of working people to attire themselves in tent material .
11 I mean that it is if size of Geoff and he 's , he hears a little noise
12 So he forms a little investment company , B , and exchanges his shares in A for shares in B. No capital gains tax at that stage .
13 He opens the little door half-hidden in a corner and finds … what ?
14 And he finds a little space to make conscious points : ‘ I want you to know that I 'm a skinhead now . ’
15 Sometimes he imagines the little knot of concentration between his father 's eyebrows as he reads the letter aloud , and his mother 's smile hidden behind her hand .
16 He sets the little circlets on her fingertips
17 He does a little drum roll and hits a cymbal .
18 Oh , I forgot — he does a little gardening , but he employs a man for any heavy work . ’
19 As for Giggs — he is good but clearly over-rated : i go mad when papers/commentaries starts whining about him when he does a little trick or two and starting with the ‘ world class ’ and ‘ new George Best ’ stuff .
20 He does a little dummy
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