Example sentences of "he [adv] know that " in BNC.

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1 May we have a change in our procedure for questioning the Leader of the House who last week announced the business for the following week even though he apparently knows that the election is to be called for 9 April and that the business will therefore be changed ?
2 He only knew that the speech had told and that he raised applause , and that he made some jokes which aroused laughter .
3 On Sunday , sitting between his father aid mother ii the Unitarian chapel , he only knew that where people were sad and solemn I was overcome , half-suffocated by the sadness aid the solemnity .
4 He only knew that he was afraid of her .
5 He only knew that in his anxious and over-concerned life his second greatest fear was that she might leave .
6 He only knew that Liza was the most sexually exciting woman he had ever come across and that , should they meet again , neither would be able to hold back from a passion which was so powerful it could only lead to trouble , about which his wife might come to hear .
7 Billy did n't know what was wrong , he only knew that something was .
8 Whether Mick would have proposed this he did not know ; he only knew that the desire had been there ; but it seemed to be the pattern that she and her uncle left together at dinnertime .
9 How long he lay against Mick he did n't know ; he only knew that between the sounds he had been emitting and the wash of tears that seemed to have drained him dry , a voice within him had kept repeating : ‘ She killed your father , Mick ; she killed your father .
10 He only knew that Chris worked on the grocery side of the shop , and wondered how he would know him , but his problem was soon solved .
11 Distraught at what he had thrown away — and , whether she was guilty or innocent , he only knew that he wanted her back — he ran towards Vetch Street like a man possessed , head bare , careless of curious glances and jeering comment at his headlong progress , reaching Vetch Street — to find that she was not there .
12 He only knew that he had lost her , and she might be the liar , cheat and whore he thought she was , or the injured innocent she claimed to be — he did not care which , for whatever she was she had taken his life and his hopes with her .
13 Nick was uncertain what he was doing in London , he only knew that whatever it was , his father-in-law was bound to make more money out of it .
14 He only knows that he needs air and ca n't get it ; a state evinced by his terminal boredom , and by single sovereign descriptive strokes like the fact that his eyes are ‘ a little too blue ’ leaving the reader to imagine a pair of empty summer-sky souls , very bright and staring in pain .
15 Perhaps it was the effect of the enchanted drink , but he suddenly knew that what had made him hesitate before , her social rank , now seemed a ridiculous objection .
16 ‘ W-who … ? ’ she stammered , while some part of her intelligence prodded away that — could it be that he somehow knew that she was not the person she was pretending to be ?
17 He already knew that the knot of pressmen by the Lodge gates was swelling by the hour , and the Super intended to issue an interim statement to keep them happy .
18 Within a few days of his election he already knew that the way to realize this ‘ new Pentecost ’ was an Ecumenical Council .
19 He already knew that Mitzer 's record was under scrutiny , but that could wait .
20 That way she could buy a little warmth and cheer for Christmas and how would he ever know that she had lied ?
21 He knew that he was n't the most eminent actor in the world , but he still knew that nobody played a starring part in the West End for peanuts .
22 Before this season he always knew that we could n't survive without him , but now we can , now we have another star .
23 He quickly knew that the rest of the order had been ‘ tie him ’ .
24 Alas , my aquatic love , said another line , and Jaromil knew that the aquatic love was Magda ; but he also knew that nobody else could find her in that line … ’ .
25 He also knew that his wife , after being secretary to a bishop and then secretary to the professor of divinity , and his hostess for eight years , was better equipped to be the wife of the new Bishop of Durham than any other woman in the country .
26 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
27 It seemed ridiculous , but a frown crossed his face when he remembered that in a very short time the hard fiat sand that he was walking on would be thirty feet under the water of one of the most unpredictable estuaries in the world He also knew that the tide was usually preceded by a rising wind
28 It turned out that our candidate , who came to address us one evening , knew my Aunt Kit and had the greatest admiration for her , even though he also knew that the only reason why she had not been offered another , safer constituency after 1945 was that it had become too obvious she was unable to keep off the drink .
29 He also knew that never in his life would he be in a position to own one like it .
30 He also knew that there was a cure for his loneliness .
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