Example sentences of "on what [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But he warned the next would be bigger and would bear directly on what a Labour government could do .
2 Oh we left and oh we were all excited about going on what a great big boat and it was in fact only a small water boat .
3 The other way , then , is to place an a priori constraint on what a rational man can believe about his world .
4 My mother comments on what a fine afternoon it is .
5 I am sure you will agree that it is in the best interests of the traditions of our society that there should be these circumspect checks and controls on what a public authority is permitted to do to interfere in the private lives of individuals , but at the same time it does make it difficult to act promptly and , in certain cases , and this must be one of them , one can only regret the outcome . ’
6 In a later chapter , on the cult of the first edition , I shall have more to say on what a vital part the title-page can play .
7 It will be argued that the developments of the economic class structure noted in the previous two chapters open up certain opportunities for socialism , but also place certain constraints on what a socialist movement can hope to achieve .
8 Just be prepared for the odd lecture on what a foolish girl you 've been .
9 As we sat and sipped our half-pint shandies I reflected on what a lucky choice of company I had made .
10 Meanwhile , the B–17 at Duxford stands daily inviting visitors to reflect on what a 30 mission combat tour entailed for the men of the Mighty Eighth .
11 However , as with every part of the curriculum , there is a wider perspective to be taken into account , and that is the fact that there is a limit on what an individual teacher can achieve if he or she is not working in harmony with the rest of the school .
12 In doing so the law would concentrate on what the accused dishonestly achieved or attempted to achieve and not on the means — taking or otherwise — which he used in order to do so .
13 Mr Major refused to be drawn on what the two men had agreed but the US is expected to announce soon that a special envoy rather than a ‘ peace ’ envoy will be sent to Ulster .
14 Q Please could you give me some advice on what the best conditions are for Corydoras ?
15 Therapist : ‘ What we will do in this first session is an assessment of exactly what 's going on : first we will look at the problems at the moment ; second we will look at background factors such as your family and personal history ; and third we will try to pull it all together and formulate what is going on , and then decide on what the best course of action is .
16 ( This should be remembered when we read Thucydides and Aristotle on what the latter called the ‘ childish ’ Spartan way of taking decisions , ‘ by shouting not voting ’ . )
17 In cruder terms , the theory is applicable whenever the best strategy depends on what the other members of the population are doing .
18 the parties in the original position do not agree on what the moral facts are , as if there already were such facts .
19 And people are sometimes aware that the kind of stress they feel is different depending on what the stressful circumstances are .
20 There are frequent reports , some of them in the Soviet press , of bungling and inefficiency in both exploration and production , yet expert opinion on what the Soviet oil industry can achieve has been shown over the past few years to be wildly wrong .
21 One of my constituents was in touch with my colleague , the European Member of Parliament , Ken Collins , who chairs the European Parliament 's Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Consumer Protection , to seek his advice on what the European Commissioner had done and the reasons behind his action .
22 In the next passage Poulantzas argues that the course of capitalism partly depends on what the working class ‘ allows ’ .
23 The principals would change depending on what the current manager could afford .
24 On what the Labour Party have claimed for themself as being their issue .
25 To do this , it is first necessary to see if it is possible to agree on what the crucial principles are that characterise both the original biological positivists and the proposed wider category .
26 On May 21 , after a four-day negotiating session , Agriculture Ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) agreed on what the Financial Times of May 22 assessed to be " the most radical reform of the common agricultural policy [ CAP ] since its inception 30 years ago " .
27 I think it all depends on what the British feel the response is going to be , either today or in the future .
28 Perhaps the basic technique is relying on what the literary theorists call " stock responses .
29 it depended on what the particular er problem was at the time , if something failed after four or five years it was then covered by insurance by the N H B C or by guarantees
30 So the reasons why many children are in care depend on what the statutory powers and duties of the child care service are .
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