Example sentences of "on what [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile Geoff Turton , 16 , was issuing instructions via an electronic machine with arrows on what way the ramp should point .
2 The role of Treasurer over the years has grown from overseeing simple book-keeping to an extensive involvement and the contributions of Leslie Wise , A.J. Chapman , Albert ( Bert ) Ford and currently Jim Grey , have been valuable indeed and it is not surprising that Arthur Chapman felt the work was too demanding for an Honorary Treasurer , although what each does might vary depending on what bias the secretary brings to his post .
3 erm it may depend on what experience the people had before they did the course .
4 They agreed to meet again in New Delhi on April 30 to consider an " appropriate response " depending on what progress the promised legislation had made .
5 If one looks at the figures presented at Budget time for the previous financial year , for the financial year 1967/1968 , it is pretty clear in broad terms on what scale the process had been in operation .
6 The present procedure when a judge is about to pass a life sentence for murder is for him to invite defending counsel to make submissions on what advice the judge should give to the Secretary of State on the appropriate tariff .
7 Here too negative arguments can be adduced : it is hard to see on what basis the testator can legitimately attempt to limit his daughter 's right of testation ; it is improper to dictate the terms of the will of another person .
8 Nor was it always clear on what basis the Principal Education Officer and Chief Inspector on occasions referred back the proposals of the project team .
9 Certainly , it is not easy to see on what basis the magistrate could have taken that fact into account when deciding whether or not to commit the applicant ; for the point only arises if there was sufficient evidence to justify the committal , in which event the magistrate was bound under paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 1 to commit the applicant .
10 Mr Mac Liman refused to be drawn on what action the IOC might be forced to take .
11 A crucial factor in how the vote goes will depend on what recommendation the MCC Committee makes to the members in the postal ballot — on three previous occasions when members have forced protest votes in the past , the committee 's recommendations have always won overwhelming backing .
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