Example sentences of "on you know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We can give them booklets , information on you know what to expect
2 Look on you know what I mean , how can you not do that for your favourite friend .
3 Yes , yes , it does n't compete with the fireplace , we have a , a , er mock fire in there you know , normally in the winter that , that 's on and it looks , it 's very realistic , it almost looks as if it is a fire glowing all the time cos there 's a rotary spinner in it and it flickers , er , and er the room is very warm because it 's central heated anyway and , no I would n't say , it never bothers me the television , I do n't suppose that er , if I were left on my own I 'd hardly have it left on you know I think men watch television more than women .
4 Er yeah exclude your short story , otherwise it could mean on you know it could be taken out and sold somewhere and then in interest you would sell your own for selling your own word you know that could be a possibility .
5 These are the things that they will cancel out on you know you 've wasted your time if you do n't tell them .
6 If you justified me coming on you know you can you can be a bit more you 're being a bit more erm what 's the word cerebral are n't you .
7 but um I 'm a great believer that it 's rather nice to have that going on while the event is going on you know you sit and munch a corned beef butty as you dribble your coffee down the front of your shirt
8 and they used to collect the rents from there er some of them and er up er he came home one day and he said erm , I 'm not going up there collecting again , as he er collected the bugs used to drop on his collecting pad I said , finish the job do n't go again , but anyway they persuaded the people to take the rents into the office you see instead of having to have a rent collector , but er it was horrible he , he worked for them twenty five years and then when he was sixty four he had his , a stroke , but he went back again after eight months and he completed his job for when , you know he stayed in the office , he was er him and erm started the rebate , well it was footwork the rebate system was worked out at the Town Hall , but they , the rent men had to carry it out you see and er he er work the system out and of course erm , when he was sixty five he finished , course he was lucky really , but then er he could get about fairly well , but after the years drew on you know his , his health deteriorated and er but he lived er he was sixty four and he was eighty five when he died but erm
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