Example sentences of "on a [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For , as George Gilder has written , ‘ All of us are dependent for our livelihood and progress not on a vast and predictable machine , but on the creativity and courage of the particular men who accept the risks which generate our riches . ’
2 However , whilst it is easy to criticize teachers for failing to embark on a thorough and methodical appraisal of their practice it should be remembered that the LEA scheme was introduced to them initially very much in terms of accountability rather than professional development , and for this reason some caution over what to reveal in the self-appraisal document is understandable .
3 He had embarked on a serious and very likely dangerous undertaking which , until its conclusion , must precede anything and everything in his life .
4 The first is to forecast the likely total available market for the period ( on a total or segment basis ) .
5 Reference to the appropriate data track The timing here depends on whether the record in question is stored on a prime or an overflow track .
6 Montgomery and Hubbard have compared the performance after additions of IBM 's ISAM and ICL 's 1900 series indexed sequential software , the files being held on a 2314 and its ICL equivalent , an EDS 30 .
7 This is not confined to new policies and new decisions , but implies also the continuing examination , on a systematic and critical basis of existing activities of government .
8 The designer may be kept aware of other objects intruding into his space by excursion or wireframe descriptions , whilst working on a solid or surface model .
9 In such traditions , when a session is in progress , one or more of the participants may be designated as ‘ guardians ’ , to protect the room or space that is being used , checking on a mental as well as a physical plane that it is not being intruded upon .
10 Those voices sounded like some dreadful surf breaking on a lost and faraway shore .
11 Contemplating his career on a prestigious but uncharismatic magazine , Marchbank made a rapid and fateful decision .
12 Such a structure is in contrast to a structure which , once negotiated , is subject to little questioning , which orders activities on a termly or a yearly basis , and which has a declared interest in the future than the present .
13 There are one or two cathedrals on a similar but slightly larger , more ambitious scale ; Västerås and Strängnäs , both on Lake Mälar , are two of these .
14 I usually fish four or five maggots on a 12 hook ; two or three grains of sweetcorn on a 10 or an 8 .
15 Yeah , you can go on a major or equal , ca n't you .
16 overheads being recovered on a logical and consistent basis to enable work in progress and profit levels to be assessed accurately on a job-by-job basis .
17 In the LP days Altarus released the first-ever recordings of piano music by John Foulds , thus casting overdue light on a substantial but hitherto shadowy figure ( I understand this recording is scheduled for re-issue — keep an eye open for it : the music is wonderful ) .
18 He says Blenheim is more on a grand and formal scale .
19 It is characteristic of the popular movement in the mid-seventeenth century that someone who helped to formulate an effective compromise on a crucial and contentious constitutional issue should remain so obscure a figure .
20 Our dinghy sailors live in ‘ Tula 's ’ , a quiet and comfortable block of apartments on a narrow and picturesque little street just 150 metres from the village centre .
21 Two more photo stops at Dent and Appleby gave one the chance to appreciate the wild countryside through which this line passes and , finally , to Carlisle , on a mild but somewhat misty day .
22 The drink , whatever it might be , would be all the sweeter after a run , and maybe the relative peace of Wimbledon Common on a mild and gentle spring evening would bring a measure of tranquillity to my mind .
23 The best hope for Buckingham Palace must be that the couple can avoid divorce , put their disappointments aside and agree on a distant but reasonably amiable working partnership .
24 The chancel belonging to the rector may not be in the same style as the nave maintained by the parishioners , reflecting differences in wealth or involvement Even in those churches where the rector was a monastery , there may be a variety of interest displayed , from great ostentation where the monastery has been concerned to maintain its property , to neglect where the church is on a distant or poor estate , or where the monastery itself was poor .
25 Dusk on a still and balmy evening , after the heat of the day has passed , is the time when you can really appreciate the full fragrance of flowers .
26 Juniper is regarded by many intuitive aromatherapists as having the power to cleanse on a psychic as well as a physical level .
27 For almost the whole of the period under review , the prevalent and strongly held belief was that Britain , in common with other major economies , had climbed out of the economic slough of the interwar years and was set on a broad and permanent path of rising prosperity and full employment .
28 Work is also being carried out ( on a wider than county basis ) on transferring information regarding charities onto computer-based storage media .
29 In the same space of time she had married , embarked on a new and totally alien job , had a baby , celebrated her twenty-first birthday , and then had a second child — all momentous events in anyone 's life , without the other pressures she was having to cope with .
30 But there is the sad possibility that parent and child stop communicating at this time and never rebuild the relationship on a new and satisfying footing .
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