Example sentences of "on the same [num] " in BNC.

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1 Such cheating may take the form of coaching or practice , but it may also take the subtle form of the chemistry teacher who asked the GCE student , ‘ are you sure that is what you want ? ’ when she was asking for some particular potion to complete an experiment in a practical examination , or the American teacher on the same 1987 visit who pointed to a particular answer in a workbook and asked the student to ‘ check that out ’ .
2 This slips on the same two needles for 16 rows , producing a deep , sculptured fabric .
3 They were in awe of him because you would never have guessed from meeting him how immensely wealthy he was , and because you would never have guessed from knowing how immensely wealthy he was how immensely clever he was as well , and because he was called Freddie when his initials were A. P. J. You 'd catch a glimpse of this tall , stooped figure crossing Trinity Great Court , with one shoulder held slightly higher than the other , and you 'd know you were watching one of the world 's great fortunes walking about , plus , on the same two lanky legs , behind the same untidily dangling forelock , one of the world 's great instruments of serious scholarship .
4 When we 're using the fax facility and we get a series of policy numbers and a problem coming through to us erm that 's not so bad cos that 's being amalgamated by the branch secretaries , when it 's going back , and we do it on the same one single fax going back , they 're sitting there snipping up individual replies , you know putting individual replies into consultants ' baskets unless they photocopy the whole sheet in which case they 've got a confidentiality problem .
5 Nicola Buxton who , like Hall , will be playing in the Curtis Cup at Hoylake on June 5 and 6 , finished on the same 160 tally as Mhairi McKay , the Daily Telegraph 's Young Golfer of 1991 .
6 It focusses week after week on the same seven characters , all of whom have reached that certain stage in life — they 're having children , their marriages are foundering , they 're wondering what on earth they 're doing in their work , or their parents are dying .
7 Although it is true to say that Lizzie felt at the start very much under her mother 's shadow and in any case was naturally of a rather shy disposition — she was coaxed into recording quite early on in her career ; indeed , her voice can be heard ( singing Far Over the Forth ) on the same 1953 School of Scottish Studies tape devoted to her just-discovered mother .
8 On Sunday , a party of anglers from Carrickfergus SAC led by Ian Eaglen and Angela Crerard from Lough Swilly SAC fished on the same three wrecks .
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