Example sentences of "on [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is effectively colour-sided , with a broad area of white along the back and tail ( finchback ) which catches the light like a halo , and there is usually a white patch ( not clearly defined ) on each thigh and often areas of white on the brisket and lower legs .
2 Alexei was cutting consistently towards the left quarter , striking three or four blows on each assault before reaction force repelled him backwards .
3 You should now have 8 rows knitted on each bed and be at T6 .
4 Push up 49 needles on each bed and arranged for 1×1 rib .
5 The car bodies had four side windows on each deck and the upper deck canopies were enclosed , but not the lower deck , in deference to police regulations enforced in the London area at that time .
6 Section 119 provides that a company if so authorised by its articles may : ( a ) make arrangements on an issue of shares for a difference between shareholders in the amounts or times of payments of calls ; ( b ) accept the whole or part of the amount remaining unpaid although it has not been called up ; or ( c ) pay a dividend in proportion to the amount paid up on each share where a larger amount is paid up on some shares than on others .
7 The dioecious Xerospermum noronhianum ( ‘ X intermedium' , Sapindaceae ) in West Malaysia has a prolonged sequential development of flowers on each inflorescence as well as the sequential development of the inflorescences themselves , making a small number of flowers available at any one time but ensuring economy by not producing excess flowers within a short period ( these would not be pollinated owing to the low density of pollinators ) .
8 Orbiting the Earth at 780 kilometres altitude , ERS-1 will fly over the poles on each orbit and its instruments will cover the whole of the globe during three days .
9 Can you just get your girls to wear their hats on each layer and we 'll have your potato , the , you know , that 's how you used to get the Marks , get their Marks and Spencers account .
10 He put the back of his hand on each forehead and asked Nellie if they 'd complained about pains in the ear .
11 not on each subject but , maybe on the inside cover of er , a presented re , er set of sheets but wha wha , you know , however it 's gon na be sent or on the back of the summate sheet or something .
12 It would also give teachers more time on each module and reduce the number and frequency of examinations .
13 This means that the total strain is the sum of the strains on each element as expressed by equation ( 13.7 ) .
14 Well we do , we do have another means do n't we , were by the fire officers on each floor or each area
15 Keep it in the kitchen ( the most likely scene of accidents ) and , if you live in a two-storey or more dwelling , keep one on each floor as well .
16 Full of stairs and small rooms on each floor and no garden to speak of , only a kind of paved area leading off the basement kitchen which rarely got any sun .
17 ‘ It depends what kind of scenarios are going on on each floor and in each room of the tower block , ’ ponders The One Who Does n't Object To Wearing ( Hopefully Fake ) Fur Coats .
18 So I took this Whitley up for 10 , 15 maybe 20 minutes and just made quite sure that all the engines were running perfectly , made a spot check on each engine and tested its flying capabilities — hands off and a few simple things in everyday testing .
19 Rufus leaves one guard on each prisoner and his other three come with us .
20 One day , she prepared the brussels sprouts for dinner , cutting a cross on each base as her Aunt had taught her .
21 Father trapped one with the old Malayan gourd trick , and discovered it to have only four toes on each foot and four fingers on each hand .
22 This report was criticised because of the small number of patients studied and because patients had not been stabilised on each insulin before acute hypoglycaemia was induced .
23 Coming together in three legal assemblies , and discussing the origins of all cases carefully , they made judgement on each case as follows .
24 In a statement , a spokesman for Gloucester magistrates says : The magistrates hear the facts on each case and will obviously sentence on it 's merits .
25 Every office shall , on each day that it is open for business , be supervised by a practising solicitor who need not be a partner in the firm but must have been admitted for at least three years , and be managed by a practising solicitor ( of whatever seniority ) or a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives of good standing and of at least five years ' seniority .
26 This includes two nights accommodation , breakfast and dinner on each day and lunch on Sunday , ferry crossing , travel insurance and map .
27 Trains will run from 11.15 to 4.15 on each day and special family tickets will be available and as usual , all under fives will travel free of charge .
28 Members of the Board , senior managers and their guests at this year 's Open Golf raised an astonishing £1,300 by raffling two putters manufactured by Johnson Matthey Canada on each day and from a sweepstake on the final day .
29 At present there are some defined posts on each committee and a number of committee members ‘ without portfolio ’ .
30 The self-discipline and lessened dependence on each other that Helen had hoped for had had some effect on Edward , as his first letter to Helen from his Oxford lodgings shows :
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