Example sentences of "on [pers pn] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She depended on me for company ; I was a better companion than Colonel Goreng .
2 If something goes wrong , they do n't know what they are going to have to pay because if I 'm a pension fund manager now , I do n't know what is likely to happen in the next year which is going call on me for compensation .
3 She came to rely on me for help and support and I am very , very upset .
4 The cuttings will remain in this position until the following autumn — 12 months — during which period you will need to keep an eye on them for pest and disease and , of course , include them in your routine precautionary spraying and care .
5 The extent to which British administrators depended on them for information varied greatly according to the social composition of the district and the competence of the civil servant in charge .
6 The bureaucrats ' control of appointments in all walks of life increases the dependence of their clients and followers on them for access to social wealth , thereby reinforcing their power base .
7 We can guess that both the lords and the village community found a uniform system , in which all the tenants had land of their own , and all worked to till the lord 's domain , had its advantages ; in particular , that the lords preferred the service of serfs , whose lives they did not have to organize in detail , to that of slaves , who were dependent on them for food and clothing and a roof over their heads .
8 For some , such as elephants , and lions , the process is a gradual one , as the youngsters drift farther and farther from their parents and become less reliant on them for food .
9 As well as feeling a sense of sadness and loss , the son or daughter begins to realize that the parent is now depending on them for strength and care .
10 The bargaining power of enterprises is enhanced by their strategic role within their own sectors and governments ' dependence on them for implementation of policy .
11 I 'd like to feel that I can rely on you for help . ’
12 Whatever happens I 'll be relying on you for support and concern . ’
13 We are now facing the most serious challenge in our history and depend on you for support .
14 You wait , I 'll 'ave the police on you for assault and battery .
15 I had relied on her for support of every kind , long after I was grown-up .
16 Another tangled virgin called on her for help against a dragon , called on her though she had thought that her time was past and the dragons had all departed .
17 He fears the demands that will be made on him for reparation and ‘ the punishment and revenge that may fall on him .
18 He said he wanted to be pleased at this news , but had been unable to confirm whether it was true or not , since Susan had not requested assistance in the boy 's upbringing , nor did she intend to call on him for support .
19 He helped Ratagan away , the big man leaning on him for support and cursing his lameness .
20 Almost any ruler other than Haile Selassie would have confirmed the sentence of death passed on him for treason by the high court , but the Emperor was content to fine him heavily and imprison him .
21 He seized the telephone , and , ruthlessly disrupting Sir Gerhard 's morning , imposed a guest on him for lunch .
22 Those who assumed that the cottage was owned by him , not her , saw her as the unmarried sister , dependent on him for houseroom , companionship , a purpose in life .
23 ‘ I rely on him for information .
24 He said the Kenton Road unit was vital to the 30 adults who have regularly relied on it for help since it began as a pilot project two years ago .
25 And stuck on it for life I think .
26 because I could n't speak English at all , I speak the , I could read a paper or a book , I du n no what is all about , but I used to get because you got on it for instant like mm
27 MGM is already in default on $600m of loans from Credit Lyonnais and is totally dependent on it for capital to finance its day-to-day operations .
28 The carpet industry is , however , one of Nepal 's largest employers , with some 250,000 people depending on it for work .
29 Supalla and Newport ( 1978 ) discuss ways of dealing with noun — verb distinctions in ASL , and Deuchar ( 1983 ) comments on it for BSL .
30 The result was that yesterday they turned on us for information as to the number of men to be dropped , the weight of stores and the mileage and so on , all of which was essential for them to know if they were to fit out the aircraft properly .
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