Example sentences of "on [noun prp] [adj] a " in BNC.

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1 In the republic of Slovenia , whose referendum of December 1990 had affirmed its right to secede from Yugoslavia [ see pp. 37924 ; 38019 ] , the republic 's Assembly approved on March 7 a law allowing Slovene conscripts to refuse to serve in the JNA , and to opt instead for the Slovene Territorial Defence units or the Slovene police .
2 On March 7 a faction split away from Slovakia 's ruling Christian Democratic Movement ( CDM ) , deciding to contest the election separately as the Slovak Christian Democratic Movement ( SCDM ) .
3 On March 1st a French listening post overheard a German remark on the telephone : ‘ if it goes on like this we sha n't have a man left after the war ’ .
4 On March 26 a nationwide ban on demonstrations was announced , and police and soldiers arrested 150 teachers and doctors who defied the ban in Abidjan .
5 On March 26 a RARA subgroup named after Juan José Crespo Galende , a Spaniard who had died in detention in Spain in 1981 while on hunger strike [ see p. 31369 ] , claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on the Justice Ministry .
6 On March 10-11 a rally by students demanded free elections , freedom of the media and a democratic constitution .
7 The National Assembly passed on March 16 a series of revisions to the Temporary Provisions , which for 40 years had superseded the Constitution , enhanced presidential power and frozen in office the mainland-elected members of the various deliberative assemblies , pending hypothetical recovery of the mainland .
8 The UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Thorvald Stoltenberg , proposed on March 16 a scheme designed to ease the continuing problems arising from the influx of Vietnamese refugees , or " boat people " , into Hong Kong .
9 The self-appointed executive council of the " autonomous region " of Krajina adopted on March 16 a formal decision to break away from Croatia permanently , but declared that it would remain a constituent element of the Yugoslav federation .
10 On March 7 , 1991 , a Nanterre tribunal fined Le Pen F10,000 for insulting the former Minister for Public Services Michel Durafour with an anti-Semitic remark [ see also p. 37683 ] , although on July 2 a Versailles court cleared Le Pen of " publicly insulting " Durafour [ see p. 38354 ] ; on March 18 a Versailles appeal court increased a nominal one franc fine imposed on Le Pen in May 1990 [ see p. 37468 ] to F100,000 for describing the holocaust as a " detail of history " .
11 On March 18 a Romanian Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that the Romanian ambassador to Hungary , Simion Pop , had not been called home because of pro-Hungarian feelings , but had simply been retired for health reasons .
12 President Guillermo Endara ended on March 13 a 13-day hunger strike which he had reportedly undertaken in solidarity with the most needy of Panamanians at a time of severe economic crisis .
13 On March 19th a long-awaited report on reforms to the domestic-equity market was presented to the exchange council by a committee chaired by Mr Nigel Elwes of S.G. Warburg .
14 In February unknown gunmen killed Col. ( retd ) Rifat Ugurlutan , allegedly for his involvement in the activities of the security services , while on March 10 a police officer was assassinated in Istanbul by members of Dev Sol allegedly for his part in a 1989 May Day shooting incident [ p. 36668 ] .
15 The US House of Representatives approved on March 10 a US$4,100 million emergency spending bill containing US$650 million in aid for Israel to help it meet expenses caused by the Gulf war .
16 On the second anniversary of his coming to office President Patricio Aylwin Azócar presented to the Congress on March 11 a package of constitutional reforms designed further to distance the government from the previous military regime .
17 On March 11 a local councillor of the Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS — formerly the Communist Party ) , Sebastiano Corrado , was killed at Castellamare di Stabia near Naples .
18 On March 11 a report by the House of Commons treasury and civil service select committee had criticized the Bank of England 's regulatory role in supervising BCCI .
19 On March 5 a closed sitting of the USSR Supreme Soviet adopted a resolution which concluded that efforts by the central authorities to normalize the situation in Transcaucasia by political means had achieved " no positive results " .
20 On March 5 a night-time curfew was imposed and on March 19 the country 's sole post-liberation newspaper , February 26 , was suspended after publishing articles critical of the government .
21 On March 1 a vigil was held in Sofia by several hundred people holding open umbrellas to protest at the failure of the authorities to fulfil Lilov 's promise to Annabel Markov .
22 On March 1 a Cabinet decree opened the way for a number of recently released Mafia leaders to be rearrested .
23 Addressing on March 4 a Turkish delegation which had arrived in Tashkent that day during a tour of central Asia , President Islam Karimov reportedly caused surprise and embarrassment by remarking that he was convinced that " the day will come when we will all meet in one parliament " .
24 On March 4 a majority within the leadership of the right-wing Liberal Party of Austria ( FPÖ ) backed the party chair , Jörg Haider , over a policy disagreement which had precipitated resignations on the party 's more moderate liberal wing .
25 On March 3 a Libyan-based opposition group , the National Movement of Chadian Renovators , claimed in a communiqué to the Agence France-Presse news agency that the national charter was " anti-democratic " and that a national conference should be called to draw up a " genuine draft constitution " and an election timetable .
26 In a statement issued on March 3 a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade described Bush 's veto as " a very wise decision which will be of great help to the future development of Sino-US relations " .
27 On March 22 a special parliamentary commission named 10 current members of parliament as having collaborated with the former State Security ( StB ) , disbanded two months after the collapse of the communist regime in November 1989 [ see pp. 37026-27 ; 37255 ] .
28 On March 22 a UN technical mission arrived in Mogadishu .
29 On March 22 a visiting US army team began inspecting Israel 's Patriot missile sites .
30 On March 24 a soldier was shot and seriously wounded at an otherwise peaceful demonstration by Islamic students in Makulla , east of Aden , and two days later counter-demonstrations were organized in the town , attended by several thousand people .
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