Example sentences of "on [art] social [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Or on the social or physical environment — the replacement of companionably unhygienic slums by soulless tower blocks with broken lifts ( Coleman et al . ,
2 As the group discussions showed ( Appendix II ) , asking for credit can create many anxieties for people , at least those lowest on the social or economic ladder .
3 The sociology of cultural forms can not replace these disciplines , but in its emphasis on the social as well as the notational basis of sign-systems , then seen as general signifying systems , it puts specific sociological questions and adds , to what would otherwise be internal kinds of analysis , a deliberately extended social dimension .
4 ‘ increased emphasis on the social and community aspects of regeneration -not purely the physical provision of buildings . ’
5 Forced to exist on the social and sexual margins of a society which hates us , we can break through this confinement and move centre-stage .
6 Commentators on the social and economic implications of the new technology have examined its impact on us as consumers , as citizens , and as workers .
7 Here the influences of the professionals , psychologists , psychiatrists , psycho-analysts and paediatricians have played an important part in convincing us ( as every mother knows ) that the quality of physical care has a profound effect on the social and emotional development of children .
8 ‘ Art Nouveau and Expressionism ’ traces the connection between turn-of-the century graphic design and the German Expressionist movement , while ‘ Road to the White House ’ is a new series of work by Sue Coe which draws on the social and political satire of Expressionists such as Grosz to comment on America today .
9 AMES has been involved in important educational work and has published a number of pamphlets on the social and working conditions of women , within a general analysis of their double oppression .
10 A Commission under Governor Kerner of Illinois placed the blame squarely on white racism and on the social and economic inequalities which were its direct results .
11 ‘ I 'm going to do a PhD , ’ he told her , ‘ on the Social and Economic Consequences of the Great Plague of 1347 to 1350 on Rural Parishes in the South of England . ’
12 Spanish and Portuguese membership came only after long talks , and was expected to put greater pressures on the Social and Regional Funds , as well as increasing the costs of the CAP .
13 The authors suspect the programme funded by the National Institutes of Health on the social and ethical implications of genetics of ‘ putting the Human Genome Project in a position to supervise what questions are asked ’ .
14 There must be a limit beyond which expenditure on the social and public services is detrimental to economic growth ; there is , however , a corresponding point below which social service expenditure is equally damaging to economic development .
15 The chief weakness of the House of Commons is in matters of taxation ; the way in which it has not been able to keep pace with administrative developments is that it has no method of collecting information ( other than the briefing from outside pressure groups already mentioned ) on the social and other side-effects of a tax or of examining possible future departures in taxation policy .
16 An adequate explanation of the greater incidence of poverty among women in old age must reflect on the social and economic status of women before as well as after retirement and , therefore , the systems of distribution which determine status and access to resources .
17 Social scientists in this are instructed to reflect , not on the validity of statements and propositions , but on the social and power position of the producer of these statements .
18 Much has been written on the social and environmental costs of opencast coal .
19 Most of the articles focus on the social and personal circumstances of pupils , reaching towards elusive but crucial contexts which contribute to increasing understanding but which can be lost behind statistics and attempts to categorise information .
20 To work on the social and pragmatic influences on language processing
21 The 1981 decennial census provides information on the social and economic characteristics of small areas of these cities .
22 The Rural Economy and Society Study Group ( RESSG ) provides a forum for research discussion amongst those working in the social sciences on the social and economic formation of rural areas in the Advanced Societies .
23 It will focus on the social and political origins of the newly forming political and business elites in Eastern Europe with particular reference to Russia and will analyze their place in the system of political power .
24 Anyone working seriously on the social and economic history of the sixteenth , seventeenth and eighteenth centuries must become acquainted with the major findings of this demographic research .
25 This point is noted in the First Periodic Report on the social and economic situation in the regions of the EC ( 1981 ) .
26 In comparison with the other two passages , this one has a rather low frequency of nouns ( 4 ) ; moreover , over half of these nouns are abstract ( 20 ) , referring to entities which exist on a social or psychological plane : effort , subject , terms , money , feelings and aristocracy all occur in the first sentence .
27 The young and academically gifted worked alongside her older , less-able classmate , at the same time having the opportunity to relate , on a social and emotional level , with her own peers .
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