Example sentences of "on [art] [num] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Mace claims that 450 software packages certified by the test suite are guaranteed to run on the 80 or so different systems using the 88000 chip .
2 Pickups , hardware , controls and circuitry are as on the four and 5-stringers , with the familiar 24 frets on an ebony fretboard .
3 After the Corporate Relations ’ press officer 's wedding in August , Emma and new husband Tim Godfrey will jet off on the nine and a half hour flight from Heathrow to Grand Cayman via Miami .
4 The National Eisteddfod in Aberystwyth in the first week of August saw on the Monday to Friday of that week a Class 31 hauling Regional Railways coaches on the 11.00 and 17.25 departures .
5 It does not , for instance , impinge on the fifteen or so criteria for sound initial teacher training which come from the CATE in its guidance about the professional education of those who teach in schools .
6 ( See swatch 1 ) ( For all the examples with this pattern the No 2 lefthand light on the 580 and the EC1 pattern controller , or the No 2 righthand light on the 560 and earlier electronics , must be on ) .
7 The analysis can be simplified by concentrating on the d.c. and fundamental components of voltage and current .
8 The Council was exempted from meeting on the sixty or so annual festival days , but not on the monthly ones ; this adds up to a large number of meetings ( c.300 ) held per year .
9 The Group met three times during the year to try and ensure a balanced representation on the sixty or so committees .
10 So far , the Ship and Ocean Foundation has spent some ¥5 billion ( $36m ) on the Yamato-1 and its SEMP drives .
11 It is impressed with the amount of investment Intel proposes putting into Pentium , saying that when the chip reaches the height of its production Intel will have spent $5,000m on it compared with $100m on the 80386 and $1,000m on the 80486 .
12 The cable television industry is said to be leery of handing over a standard to a third party such as Microsoft Corp , which has teamed up with Intel Corp to develop a set-top control box based on the 80386 and Windows ; the 80386 is also regarded as underpowered for graphics work .
13 It is impressed with the amount of investment Intel proposes putting into Pentium saying that when the chip reaches the height of its production Intel will have spent $5bn on it compared to $100m on the 80386 and $1bn on the 80486 .
14 It 's the second multpile collision on the M-forty since it opened almost exactly a year ago .
15 Amdahl Corp , Sunnyvale has launched a consulting service and data storage feature to facilitate the migration of customers to Escon Architecture : the company accompanies the new service with a new Serial Channel Feature for next quarter for use with its 6100 Storage Processor , which attaches to parallel channel adaptors on the 6100 and enable it to support serial Escon channel connections ; a 6100 with the feature will support up to 32 Escon serial channels or a mixture of serial and parallel channels ; native serial channels cost $62,560 for the first four and $32,280 for each additional pair ; the Serial Channel Feature start at $21,000 .
16 Fingerpicking always accentuates the inherent tone of guitars , and when you use a pick on the D-18 and D-32 , the whole picture changes .
17 There will then be 3n control areas per cylinder on the 3350 and no loss of performance will result from the transfer .
18 The 9333 disk subsystem is now available on the 340 and 350E .
19 Erm , just a point of information , I think er on the hundred and thirty-one million , including the Lincoln , and I think er they would have been you would have been under serious er distress on that , because the information I have had from the Department of Transport , is that if the Lincoln scheme had gone ahead , it would have effectively blocked everything else for the next five years , and that would n't have done you any good , from where you 're elected , either .
20 On the other hand , it could be argued that if it is considered necessary to make an adoption order with a condition of access , then this may be seen as being imposed on the two or three parties and possibly of little value .
21 As women do , she probably knew that she had made an impression on him on the two or three occasions they had met at Muthaiga .
22 On the two or three occasions when Henrietta had been allowed to go there , Molly had insisted on collecting her .
23 What 's happened on the two or three times ?
24 He 'd been no more than another face around the yard on the two or three occasions that she 'd been by , no reason that he should have made any lasting impression on her at all .
25 Well stretch it on the two when you get
26 Two months ' interest is the standard early redemption charge on the two and three year fixed rates , while the five year option carries a charge of five month 's extra interest .
27 The early redemption penalties are — six months interest on the seven and five-year deals and three and one month 's interest respectively on the two and one-year offers .
28 You look , a little hand on the two and a big hand on the seven
29 Here was a woman who had been trying to have a child ever since her marriage and yet she , Celia , had conceived not merely without any difficulty but on the one and only time she had not taken steps to prevent it .
30 She said she was in the same boat as himself and kept her fist closed tight in the pocket of her overall on the one and ninepence Uncle Vernon had given her earlier .
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