Example sentences of "be done with the " in BNC.

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1 Primarily , however , an empirically based study of public order policing is impossible to undertake in the midst of the province 's continuing violent conflict , and certainly could not be done with the degree of depth , empirical focus , familiarity , and , frankly , personal safety which an ethnographic study of routine policing allows .
2 Paul and Malcolm Bream first spent time exploring possible sources of voluntary funding , and then saw what might be done with the local authority , but have now turned back to their original search for their own place .
3 The police at Southampton had got in touch with Bath , asking what was to be done with the bike , as it had apparently been abandoned .
4 All must be done with the required ceremony .
5 Property speculators in particular are addressing themselves to the question of what is to be done with the vast stretches of land once occupied by watch towers , border guards , dogs and rabbits .
6 Shifting between the gears in these two lower ratios can only be done with the tractor at a standstill , so it does n't matter that they are unsynchronised .
7 But none of them noticed , they were hunched within themselves , absorbed , waiting to be done with the decisions and get home .
8 There is already a feeling in some people 's minds that in athletics , as in so many other aspects of life , what can be done with the human body will be done , and that we might as well let them get on with it .
9 The tendency of our officials , who naturally wish their work to be done with the least possible friction , is all in favour of the railway method of carriage . ’
10 Two questions you will constantly be asked are : What can be done with the old wreck ? and What will it cost and wo n't it be a waste of taxpayers ' money ?
11 This may be done with the best intentions and will help empty the overflowing kennels , but mistakes can cause new owners some shocks .
12 Advanced work for the hemiplegic arm may also be done with the patient sitting down .
13 Your Alexander teacher will show you how this can be done with the minimum amount of effort .
14 This must be done with the object of replacing them with a single rational religion compatible with human needs and unrelated to blind and futile faith in unproven ‘ gods ‘ .
15 Mystified , they rode eastwards at a great pace , Ramsay for one not ungrateful to be done with the restraints of keeping to the pace of marching men .
16 This can only be done with the parents ' help .
17 If the work-force is unionised , this may be done with the union representatives on behalf of their members .
18 In almost all cases testing may only be done with the fully informed consent of the person being tested .
19 ‘ Let's be done with the play acting , what is really going on , Miss Grenfell ? ’
20 ‘ Let us be done with the arguments of participant observation versus interviewing — as we have largely dispensed with the arguments for psychology versus sociology — and get on with the business of attacking our problems with the widest array of conceptual and methodological tools that we possess and they demand ’ .
21 ‘ What is to be done with the category of ‘ psychology ’ is another history , ’ as Riley ( 1978 : 90 ) says .
22 IBM Corp was scheduled to make an ‘ operational announcement ’ on its Adstar storage business in San Jose just after we closed on Friday , but we have to assume that it was not anything sufficiently dramatic that it would move the share price , otherwise the company would have had to announce it on the New York Stock Exchange before the market opened to prevent a false market operating in the shares ; the announcement was to be made by vice-chairman Jack Kuehler , and was also to include some personnel news ; IBM has been studying ways to separate Adstar from the rest of the company , Dow Jones & Co notes , and earlier this year , it hired Morgan Stanley & Co and the Boston Consulting Group to recommend ways to speed up the process , which could involve outside investors or a new class of IBM share — and those advisors were scheduled to be done with the preliminary work by now ; a first step would likely be the creation of Adstar as a wholly-owned subsidiary — it has kept separate books since last year ; but the IBM spokesman said some observers might be surprised by the announcement , which was to be concerned with Adstar 's ‘ operations as an IBM business unit and its future direction . ’
23 The undodgeable thing that has to be done with the economy
24 ‘ What 's to be done with the body ? ’
25 The academic establishment refused to entertain the possibility that this doctrine was of any wider significance to criminal law beyond the local issue of what is to be done with the drunken offender and , within that narrow compass , that the doctrine was coherent or justifiable .
26 The length of the repairs to be done with the flagstones will vary from several miles to a few hundred yards , and they will be laid with the help of local authorities , volunteers and environmental associations .
27 The defection and death of Richard and John Neville therefore reopened the question of how royal authority could best be exercised in the north , as well as raising the issue of what should be done with the Neville connection , which was now leaderless .
28 When Telford Development Corporation began to coppice the woodland for conservation purposes , a group of countryside wardens , foresters and a lecturer in 3D-design got together and decided that something should be done with the waste timber .
29 For example , the string : How can this be done with the translate instruction ?
30 This can most readily be done with the aid of a computer , and if your agency does not have the facilities , several of the media owners and one or two computer bureaux have suitable programs available on a fee basis .
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