Example sentences of "be made in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But he only promised to ‘ do justice ’ regarding the forests created by Henry II and Richard I. An inquiry was to be made in every county by an elected jury of twelve knights into ‘ evil customs ’ of forests , warrens and rivers , and these customs were to be abolished within forty days , provided that the king , or , in his absence , the Justiciar , were first informed .
2 The same point can be made in a slightly different way .
3 As a result , the payment to Mrs Sutcliffe had to be made in a roundabout way . ’
4 * Tea should always be made in a china tea-pot — metal pots will taint the brew .
5 No attempt can be made in a work of this scope to relate the full story of how nineteenth century attitudes to death evolved during the present century into those now prevailing .
6 Following that , a late sowing can be made in a frame or unheated greenhouse in September .
7 So an important decision has to be made in a hurry by people who are clearly affected by the events of the last few days .
8 Wunis , a young oil company official , was to some extent moved by indignation about the deceitfulness of the government ; he was also perhaps self-consciously applying those notions of good efficient management which he had gained from his oil company training : decisions about expenditure have to be made in a context of opportunity costs , of an overview of expenditure as a whole .
9 Last year , Mr Ashdown and his advisers embarked on ‘ war-gaming ’ — what social workers would call ‘ role playing ’ — to explore the moves and counter-moves likely to be made in a hung Parliament .
10 Although the company was planning to record interviews with Mr Major , Mr Kinnock and Mr Ashdown for a World in Action special they were to be made in a central London hotel some distance away .
11 It was not unusual for a direct appeal to be made in a memorial text to casual passers-by , or for visually impressive and even amusing monuments to command attention from the side of a road .
12 The fact that this revelation would doubtless be made in a context of privacy and confidentiality so as to insulate him as far as possible from the prying eyes of scandalmongers may not reduce his desire to put actual and legal distance between himself and his spouse .
13 The drawings will be made in a modern and approved style , and when finished , will be submitted to the inspection of the subscribers at large .
14 It has now prepared a short-list of five projects for the next round of decisions to be made in a year or two , although the agency warns that these more ambitious and expensive projects can only be funded at the rate of one every 2½ years .
15 Ferret boxes can be made in a variety of sizes .
16 A big pie was not something that could be made in a field and cooked on a bonfire , it would require skill and expertise in the use of large ovens and these were available as they were used by the local manufacturers of earthenware pipes :
17 On her visit to Malton , she not only purchased a riding habit in deep , forest-green velvet , but ordered one to be made in a similar material of a light golden-brown colour , to match the shade of her eyes .
18 Under the amended Regulations , PEP investment can only be made in a ‘ non-qualifying ’ trust if at least 50% of its investments are held in shares .
19 If they are wanted at all they are probably wanted in large numbers and to be made in a hurry by unskilled labour .
20 A body section could be made in a standard four-ply small pattern stitch , possibly a tiny tuck pattern , cast off straight at the underarms , with a woven pattern used for the yoke and sleeves .
21 To avoid being misled by stones and tree roots , several probes should be made in a small area .
22 The same point can be made in a different way .
23 Instead claims by and against third party organisations or individuals may be made in a variety of domestic and regional , formal and informal arenas .
24 Nevertheless it is a substitution that can be made in a number of contexts where at least one of c and d is used for internal communication .
25 The announcement will be made in a statement by Frank Barlow , as Secretary to the Parliamentary Labour Party , and will be conveyed to Sir Michael Adeane at Buckingham Palace .
26 The slow growth of the idea of diplomacy as a distinct profession meant that appointments could still , down to the French revolution , sometimes be made in a remarkably haphazard way on the basis of family connections and sheer luck .
27 Capital payments ( such as interest-free loans ) can then be made in a tax-efficient manner to the trust beneficiaries , or the gross proceeds of disposal can be reinvested within the " umbrella " of the trust , thus deferring the capital gains tax liability indefinitely .
28 These issues are difficult enough to disentangle in contemporary research , and there are major problems in gaining access to data which would really enable those distinctions to be made in an historical context .
29 to hold that an Anton Piller order could not be made in an Order 11 case .
30 This analyses the kind of decisions to be made in an organisation , and the activities they affect .
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