Example sentences of "be given [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Now I was to be given to Syl .
2 Reminder that any notes you would like to appear in this bulletin should be given to Mrs Valerie Belton ( 0869 50405 ) or , FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS , placed in an envelope marked ‘ Bulletin ’ and posted through the letter box of the Parish House .
3 Reminder that any notes you would like to appear in this next bulletin should be given to Mrs Valerie Belton ( 0869 50405 ) or , FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS , placed in an envelope marked ‘ Bulletin ’ and posted through the letter box of the Parish House .
4 A reminder that any notes you would like to appear in this next bulletin should be given to Mrs Valerie Belton ( 0869 50405 ) or to Father John .
5 A reminder that any notes you would like to appear in this bulletin should be given to Mrs Valerie Belton ( 0869 50405 ) or to Father John .
6 A reminder that any notes you would like to appear in this bulletin should be given to Mrs Valerie Belton ( 0869 50405 ) or to Father John .
7 Its aim was to create a community in which assistance could be given to Russia , Poland and the three former Soviet Baltic states to transform themselves into free-market societies .
8 The East Leyton Singers raised £210 at Christmas through carol singing , £120 was used to buy a Tens machine for pain relief for the Gainford doctor 's practice , and £90 will be given to Dr Margaret Mowbray to give to a person in need .
9 Why should the same weight be given to Harry 's second preference or Dick 's fifth as to Tom 's first " ?
10 By an order dated 30 March 1992 Waite J. granted the local authority 's application under section 100(3) of the Children Act 1989 for leave to invoke the court 's inherent jurisdiction to determine whether artificial ventilation and/or other life-saving measures should be given to J. , an infant for whom the local authority shared parental responsibility pursuant to a care order made under the Act of 1989 , if he were to suffer a life-threatening event .
11 The corporation said ‘ full consideration ’ would be given to Boyd 's conclusions that Grimethorpe colliery could be viable , but it added : ‘ Such an analysis was contrary to the indications from recent performance and likely prospects at that mine . ’
12 Oddly , much credit for this advance has also to be given to Pius X who , in 1909 , founded the Biblical Institute ( the Biblicum ) in Rome and handed it over to the charge of the Jesuits , the Dominicans having earlier founded the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem .
13 I suggest that the best aid that could be given to East Timor would be an arms embargo on Indonesia until an independent United Nations inquiry has been held into the slaughter of many defenceless men , women and children by the Indonesian army .
14 The first relates to the ‘ gay Vestment ’ [ see ‘ The Disappointment ’ , ML , 2 , 79 ] which Sophronia suggested might be given to Leapor .
15 However the credit for this should be given to Ald. Joseph Brodie , the Tramways Committee Chairman from 1895 until his death in 1917 .
16 The workshop was anxious to know what advice will be given to Mackies to deal with such a situation .
17 Perhaps the last word should be given to Caroline Moorehead , who has edited the eight volumes of Dame Freya 's letters and deserves to be listened to .
18 A grant of £400 is to be given to Sedgefield church , St Edmund 's restoration appeal , which has fallen £45,000 short of target .
19 The Bill gives the Secretary of State wide-ranging new powers , relating not only to capping but to the vast number of orders and regulations that he will be able to issue , and even to the grants that will be given to London 's voluntary organisations .
20 Many congratulations and a warm welcome should be given to Dorling Kindersley , the first general publisher to recognise that there is ELT potential in its list and to go so far as to publish an ELT catalogue .
21 Such criticism of American policy would be counter-productive ; the claims on the United States for economic and military assistance were so great that only a limited amount could be given to Korea .
22 These will be given to ATC — not Homer — as requested .
23 Of the 168 vacancies thus created , 42 were to be filled by new borough seats , including eight new London seats and seats for Manchester , Leeds , and Birmingham ; 55 were to be devoted to the provision of additional members for countries , to augment what had traditionally been regarded as the most " independent " element in the representative system ; and nine new places were to be given to Scotland , Ireland and Wales .
24 A grant of £950 will be given to Dramarama creative arts to part fund a theatre project in Middlesbrough for people who are physically handicapped or who have learning difficulties .
25 Any information should be given to Newton Aycliffe police on .
26 The 6,860-name petition against British Steel 's decision , collected in two weeks , will be given to Richmond MP William Hague to present to Parliament .
27 Any information can be given to Guisborough police on Middlesbrough 326326 .
28 Six months later , when she asked for it to be given to Arrowe Park Hospital , which saved her son 's life , she was told the money was in a ‘ suspense account ’ .
29 May we have an early debate on foreign affairs and aid and on the encouragement that should be given to President Serrano , who now says that he is keen to see the problem sorted out ?
30 . Just a reminder that erm , expenses and apologies should be given to Suzanne or Eileen .
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