Example sentences of "be used for the " in BNC.

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1 Standard bobbins can not be used for E cores , since all three legs have to be used for the isolated topology .
2 Red tile set on edge was to be used for the centrepiece , Portland stone for the surround , brown pebble paving for an infill , blue and white pebbles to make a star design , white marble for the path through the pergola .
3 Robert Darby , 25 , a youth leader known as The General , and Leslie Thomas , 26 , were yesterday convicted at Southwark Crown Court of permitting premises to be used for the control and supply of drugs in relation to acid house parties .
4 Many people are worried that it can only be used for the disable person .
5 It is easy to see that this was a practical means of enclosing a large volume which then could be used for the storage of grain , and the profile is reminiscent of the gambrel-roofed hay barns in the USA .
6 Leslie Thomas , a leader of a gang that organised acid house parties in London , was jailed at the Old Bailey yesterday for five years and three months after being convicted in his absence of plotting to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
7 Thomas , of east London , plotted to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
8 Thomas , of the Isle of Dogs , east London , was found guilty of plotting to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
9 SHORTLY after the Russians invaded , the famous Barrandov Studios , in which so many world-class directors had worked , were to be used for the making of a film called Factory Of Illusions , in which a young and idealistic graduate of the Film Academy arrives to find well-known film-makers of the New Wave drinking and whoring instead of making films , and almost succumbs to counter-revolution himself .
10 ‘ Ideally , the first two rinses should be with the circulation water , then 0.5–1 litres of clean water can be used for the final rinse . ’
11 But the term ‘ canon ’ was being used for the standard of authentic teaching given by the baptismal confession of faith well before it came to be used for the list of accepted books .
12 Churchill 's ‘ Mulberrys ’ , the artificial harbours to be used for the invasion , were constructed on the Gareloch , and capital ships by the dozen , aircraft carriers , cruisers , battleships and destroyers — all lay off the coasts of the west or sailed into the Clyde .
13 The scheme is designed for the younger ( less than 36 years old ) organic chemist , the funds to be used for the purchase of equipment , books and consumables , technical assistance , professional travel or any other activity directly related to the research being undertaken .
14 Linomat C , from Camag , can be used for the direct on-line coupling of LC/TLC .
15 A combination of blending and source replacement will be used for the other 15 locations . ’
16 The land would be used for the construction camp , but he had no doubt that there were ultimate plans to follow Lord Marshall 's alphabetic progression into D and even E stations .
17 It was appropriate that , given India had no indigenous language accessible to all Indians , English should be used for the solemn and archaic style of this speech .
18 Hayes Water Gill , below the cottages , would be used for the washing of yarn and cloth .
19 This second study differed only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus ( a light ) in the context that was to be used for the test .
20 Radio programmes or ‘ talking book ’ tape recordings can be used for the same purpose .
21 Under the Act those executing a warrant are required ( not empowered ) to intercept all communications sent to or from one or more addresses specified in the warrant where the address in question is likely to be used for the transmission of communications to or from one particular person specified or described in the warrant .
22 After all , the word ‘ engineer ’ used to be used for the person who could drive and maintain a car , in the early days of motoring .
23 Such differing criteria as these will presumably be used for the purpose of assessing the course-work component of the examinations as well as the final papers .
24 There was nothing against my packing a bag and loading the wheelbarrow on the Land Rover so that it could be used for the longer , more difficult sections .
25 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
26 He was worried about the enormous expense involved , and he asked whether St James 's Palace , now empty , could not be used for the Foreign Office .
27 The sum of these two numbers together will allow you to choose the most important and characteristic symptoms of the case which should be used for the next step .
28 Data and information gained from empirical observation and experience are necessary for explanations which can then be used for the building-up of theory .
29 Whatever may be the instigating factor in a piece of research , whether it be a random observation or a sudden thought in the library , there is a common form of procedure which can be used for the research .
30 These two faculties , randomly chosen , would then be used for the sample with perhaps all the students , or a high proportion of them , being the sample .
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