Example sentences of "be used with the " in BNC.

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1 A spermicidal cream , jelly , pessary or foam must be used with the diaphragm .
2 Please note the Direct Debit may only be used with the Covenant .
3 It also formalized British acceptance of the Thor missiles and the agreement that they would only be used with the sanction of both governments .
4 When fitting 8 spokes all the load is on the studs as it is with RR wheels and should only be used with the larger studs .
5 The one punchcard accessory that ca n't be used with the electronic is the punchcard lace carriage .
6 Single colour tuck and slip can also sometimes be used with the knit side as the right side .
7 Also of interest is the ZIG Artist Sketching Pen , a fine pointed black drawing pen that may be used with the marker ranges or as a drawing instrument on its own .
8 Fuel : the cartridge attachment method means the burner unit may only be used with the Camping Gaz 470 propane/butane mix gas cartridge .
9 Northampton-based portable computer peripherals supplier Ranger Computers Ltd has introduced a new version of its RangerDisk3 personal computer compatible floppy disk drive for use with Psion Plc Series 3 handheld computers : it is intended as more convenient means of backing up or transferring Series 3 files than Psion 's Comms Link ; RangerDisk3 has its own version of MS-DOS and connects to the Series 3 via a Psion serial adaptor ; it can be used with the 128Kb and 256Kb models ; the operating software is built in so avoiding the need for program installation on the Series 3 ; file transfer is by the XModem protocol ; it is £200 from Ranger .
10 The guidelines say electronic tagging should only be used with the consent of residents or a proxy .
11 Each operation can be used with the source as a store location and the destination as an accumulator ( i.e. as a load instruction ) or the converse ( i.e. as a store instruction ) .
12 By the end of the session the groups had started to map out the areas for questions to be used with the visitors .
13 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
14 ( 2 ) A person can not steal land , or things forming part of land and severed from it by him or by his directions , except in the following cases , that is to say — ( a ) when he is a trustee or personal representative , or is authorised by power of attorney , or as liquidator of a company , or otherwise , to sell or dispose of land belonging to another , and he appropriates the land or anything forming part of it by dealing with it in breach of the confidence reposed in him ; or ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or ( c ) when , being in possession of the land under a tenancy , he appropriates the whole or part of any fixture or structure let to be used with the land .
15 All of these techniques can be used with the spatial approach to provide various levels of integration .
16 I can not comment on the devices available in other languages , but in Arabic , for instance , the particle qad may be used with the past tense of the verb to convey emphasis .
17 Where any form in Schedule 4 to the rules is substantially the same as a form used under the corresponding old law and rules , it can continue to be used with the necessary modifications until the Lord Chancellor directs otherwise ( r 12.7(3) ) .
18 The Personal Number to be used with the Route Seventeen card will be posted when the card receipt is returned .
19 The substitution items need to be of the same class , so they can be used with the same frame .
20 May be used with the video course PARIS ( qv ) .
21 I am sure that that money will be used with the utmost effect to promote more and more scientific developments at Southampton university .
22 At the simplest level , many of the systems require an ‘ external ’ computer and an existing installed base will be helpful — so long , of course , as the computers can be used with the multimedia systems ( see 4.10 below ) .
23 The philosophy of the new SZ series follows on from the successful SZH research stereo providing interchangeability and versatility — indeed the SZ heads can be used with the SZH stand for superior transmitted light .
24 There are three types of media which can be used with the hard copy system :
25 When a patent is granted in respect of the equipment , the law of confidence drops from the scene to be replaced by patent law and , possibly , trade mark law if a registered mark is to be used with the equipment .
26 ( c ) when , being in possession of the land under a tenancy , he appropriates the whole or part of any fixture or structure let to be used with the land …
27 These are collected and put into a PC database at HQ where the information can be used with the GIS to map the problem areas .
28 DIM mem 20 mem ? 5=&50 PRINT mem ? 5 Thus , The 2 examples below show how 2 operands can be used with the byte indirection operator ( ? ) to examine the contents of memory .
29 A written paper — a story or a report be used with the word processing software or viewdata software be rewritten , providing another opportunity to refine and enhance the work in a new dimension .
30 Users need to know what peripherals are needed such as printers ( and the make of printer which can be used with the program ) or robot arms or whether a joystick is needed .
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