Example sentences of "be to do [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 sometimes it may be to do with dress , demeanour , mannerisms , you know , kind of again you know people go for oh I do n't know , I mean there 's a conversation er I remember overhearing erm with some friends in Leicester and they , they go to motorbike rallies a lot and erm er they were describing an incident where they pitched their tent at a rally and some blokes came up and pitched their tent next to them and they were erm two blokes had arrived together on the same enormous immaculate motorbike and they 'd got sort of matching leather outfits erm
2 In setting up a method of intervention the main problems you will face will be to do with consequences ; rewarding , withholding rewards , and punishing .
3 Why he did not sustain the promise of the works of the 1890s is not clear , though it is certainly connected with the change to a much more conservative and less experimental architectural climate in Britain in the 1900s , when there was a revival of baroque and French Renaissance architecture ; it may also be to do with Townsend 's own equivocal and confused attitude towards the value of architectural traditions .
4 I do n't think the whole question of cars and safety has never really been looked at properly it all seems to do , to be to do with cars and performance and I would like to see a lot more about cars and safety and like
5 What would there be to do in Hillmarden ? ’
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