Example sentences of "be at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I , I mean obviously I hope the decisions will go my way because Keith has actually argued in the past that we should disregard F E , because he says it 's , it 's impossible to fairly take account of that , and what he means is there 's no F E formulae in Northallerton , so he knows that if F E is excluded Northallerton will be at a major divan
2 It makes sense therefore , to assume that deep tanks with a restricted surface area are going to be at a strong disadvantage from the very start .
3 Self-confidence can be at a low ebb if you 've just been told to p … off by an embittered pedestrian .
4 She was a pretty little thing , but I fear the libido of the young men she encountered in here would be at a low ebb .
5 Royal College of Nursing members at the hospital had expressed worry over possible job losses and morale was said to be at a low ebb .
6 Wales were convinced that they were one up on Scotland in having already experienced Joel Dume in their England match , while the Sassenachs ' top brass reckoned Scotland would be at a definite disadvantage for the first 20 minutes .
7 In the case of the " upper " transistors ( and ) the base drive must be referred to the positive supply rail , which may be at a variable potential .
8 Should the debt be at a fixed or a floating rate ?
9 First , is the deemed subletting to be at a fixed rent or at a rent subject to review ?
10 ( 6 ) Subject as mentioned below , the tender may be at a fixed price ( tenders in excess of the number of shares sought being scaled down pro rata ) , or a maximum price ( if the offer is over-subscribed , the striking price will be the lowest price at which the number of shares sought is met , with everyone tendering at or below the striking price receiving that price and if the offer is over-subscribed at the striking price acceptances will be scaled down pro rata or balloted ) .
11 Soon he hopes to be at a new home in a different area , where he hopes to be able to live his life in peace .
12 The clearing banks as well as the discount houses have the opportunity to buy Treasury bills on such occasions , as otherwise they would be at a substantial disadvantage compared with the discount houses in finding an outlet for surplus funds .
13 I presume all our seed boxes are on board , but , as it is customary , all letters were thrown overboard , so shall be at a great loss to find things .
14 But this would be at a great price for the many to deal with the problems of the few .
15 The new bands will be at a divisional level to ensure that a substantial link is maintained between an infantry or cavalry regiment and an allocated band .
16 The storage could be at a centralised location or decentralised — distributed across a number of sites .
17 Joining or leaving an Airway will be at a certain point , usually a designated or " on request " reporting point .
18 Even if he is murdered by a homicidal maniac he has chosen to be at a certain place at a certain time .
19 We 'll be at a certain place to meet them . ’
20 By close analysis , he was virtually able to predict where bream would be at a certain time and could put bait in to hold them in his swim .
21 yeah , yeah I must admit it 's a poor do when they know exactly where the criminal 's going to be at a certain time and then they let 'em go
22 He seemed more likely to blow a kiss than to throw a punch ; to be at a dinner-table than to be down in the dives ; to be rubbing shoulders than to be shoving or sticking it to the comfortable ( I almost said to the bourgeoisie . )
23 The SIET hands out around £50,000 a year to young Scots who need help to get on and , often in the nature of things , to get out of Scotland for a while : some physics graduate from St Andrews who needs time at MIT , a violinist who needs to be at a foreign conservatoire .
24 Also , apart from legal considerations , in most situations , a seller who does not provide such a remedy is likely to be at a significant commercial disadvantage compared to his competitors , since the giving of such guarantees and warranties has really become standard commercial practice .
25 Richard Ford , who 's fourteen has speech and learning difficulties , and the local council says he should be at a special school .
26 A MEMBER of St John Ambulance will be at a special ceremony later this month .
27 At this point regions with good transport links and a high quality workforce will be at a competitive advantage in bidding for inward investment while those who are content to ‘ regarder passer les trains ’ will suffer .
28 Conversely , if a French broker were to set up a branch in London and was subject to those more relaxed French rules , the branch would equally be at a competitive advantage as against UK firms .
29 If one firm takes a stand against an accounting treatment that other firms allow , that firm will be at a competitive disadvantage .
30 They could be at a skipping game in the playground .
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