Example sentences of "be the [noun sg] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The new threat came as bachelor James Gilbey — said to be the man recorded on the Di ‘ love tapes ’ — was reported to fear that a SECOND tape may exist .
2 He is an experienced , professional negotiator and if both sides agree to arbitration then he would be the man involved . ’
3 But perhaps public agitation will , in the end , be the catalyst required to neutralise the threat .
4 Less dramatic but equally puzzling would be the problem posed by the patient who deliberately went on hunger-strike in order to end his suffering .
5 This used to be the system operated in the UK when banks had to set their interest rates in line with Bank rate .
6 Within a month of nationalisation , the Authority 's commercial manager had identified the more serious black spots in which tariffs for additional domestic kWh were below ¾d. — which he reckoned to be the level required to cover costs — and in the next few months prices were generally raised to this level as a ‘ first aid ’ measure , pending the development of a proper pricing policy .
7 For example , it is likely that the only person who would be held to have sufficient interest to challenge a decision on the ground of breach of natural justice would be the person denied a hearing because the rules of natural justice are designed to protect individual rights .
8 If the trustees are found to be the settlor 's nominees the settlor will be the person assessed on the trading or other income ( Dreyfus v IRC ( 1963 ) 41 TC 441 ) although the Inland Revenue will usually find it difficult to establish nomineeship if this was not intended by the parties ( Burman v Hedges and Butler Ltd [ 1979 ] STC 136 ) .
9 If the original depositor has assigned his interest to an assignee , so that the assignee has become entitled to look to the bank for repayment , achievement of the legislative purpose requires the assignee to be the person entitled to compensation .
10 Those who depend solely on their licensed dealers to find them another Polly Peck ( probably the most spectacular penny share success ever ) are probably doomed to disappointment If they are lucky , they will be the blind led by the blind .
11 Thus far we have seen that the perspective from which to view bias is to be that of the reasonable man ; it is not to be the individual affected himself ( because he may be perverse , oversensitive , etc. ) , nor is it to be the ex post detachment of a reviewing court , ( which is the disagreement with the Barnsley formulation ) .
12 Opening a Trust account seems to be the route favoured by many hoteliers .
13 But a little reflexion on such cases shows clearly that , whatever might be the element restricted by the adjective , it can not be the subject of the clause .
14 He gave detailed instructions for the procedure to be followed if no suitable dissertations were submitted , concluding : ‘ But if no such dissertations , worthy , in the opinion of the said Examiners , of any such reward as aforesaid should be offered for seven years , then a Medal , to be purchased with the said accumulations , shall be offered for the best dissertation on any Veterinary subject thought worthy by the said Examiners of such reward , but at all times the Foot of the Horse is to be the subject preferred , and next to that the nature , causes and treatment of Glanders , and the diseases of the Eye in horses : And if there should be no successful dissertation at the end of seven years , then the amount of the said accumulations shall be disposed of by the said Governors in such manner as they in their discretion may think proper , so as they are applied for the promotion of Veterinary Science ’ .
15 The more liquid an asset is , the lower is likely to be the income earned from holding it .
16 If you do not have a heated bathroom then invest in a high wall-mounted heater , which has to be the type approved for bathroom use , and should be connected through the wall to a power source outside the room .
17 The value of the altered goods supplied back by the repairer would be the price agreed taking account of work performed and any charge by the original owner for them .
18 John Cliff , a former Trade Union leader , was to be the member nominated by the L.C.C .
19 According to Thietmar of Merseburg , Emma was in London during the siege of 1016 , and she may be the lady referred to in the poem LiDsmannaflokkr .
20 As we have already observed ( see ( 35 ) ) , the verb see , in its ordinary uses , can not be expected to occur with an adverbal adjective , but this does appear to be the interpretation needed for ( 41 ) which may be considered substandard but is apparently possible in current British English : ( 41 ) even if the scheme does fail , I 'll see you comfortable Much more often , the idiomaticity works the other way , so that a set of lexical items that could fit the structure of ( 21 ) , with appropriate values , seem to give unacceptable sentences , as in ( 42 ) : ( 42 ) Eva played her opponent exhausted Wendy wiped the floor moist
21 The date specified in the affidavit will be the date deemed to have been the date of service unless the court otherwise orders .
22 But for Beardsley , the man he allowed to walk out of Anfield and across Stanley Park , to be the hero appeared too much for the Liverpool manager to take .
23 Even Sidney and Beatrice Webb , in their classic history of trade unionism , said of the Act that it gave trade unions ‘ an extra-ordinary and unlimited immunity , however great may be the damage caused , and however unwarranted the act , which most lawyers as well as all employers , regard as nothing less than monstrous ’ .
24 ( 3 ) An objection shall , for the purposes of paragraph ( ii ) of subsection ( 2 ) above , be intimated to the applicant ( a ) by delivering to him a copy of the notice of objection lodged with the licensing board under paragraph ( a ) of that subsection ; or ( ii ) by sending a copy of the said notice by registered post or by recorded delivery in a letter addressed to him at his proper address ; or ( c ) by leaving a copy of the said notice for him at his proper address ; and , for the purposes of paragraphs ( ii ) and ( c ) of this subsection , the proper address in the case of an applicant being an individual natural person shall be his place of abode as specified in his application or , in the case of such an applicant applying for the renewal of a licence , the premises in respect of which the application is made , and , in the case of an applicant other than an individual natural person , shall be the address specified in the application .
25 … It was never intended that the benefit received by the airline employee would be the fare paid by the ordinary passenger .
26 We can improve on our previous gloss for now , by offering " the pragmatically given span including CT " , where that span may be the instant associated with the production of the morpheme itself , as in the gestural use in ( 53 ) , or the perhaps interminable period indicated in ( 53 ) Pull the trigger now ! ( 54 ) I 'm now working on a PhD Now contrasts with then , and indeed then can be glossed as " not now " to allow for its use in both past and future .
27 A wrought-iron girder swing bridge at the Northern Entrance Lock may be the original installed by Brunel .
28 Well these things may er describe erm sexual behaviour and how to facilitate it , but they ca n't explain it and nor are they really fundamental , because after all okay in mammals males may be the sex defined by the X chromosome , but in birds it 's the other way round in birds it 's the female chromosome and all , in other words , all bird embryos start , start out as male and differentiate into females if they 're going to , whereas in mammals all embryos start out as female and differentiate into males , in so far as those terms have any sense .
29 What , for example , would be the time-scale envisaged ?
30 You must be the user associated with the DC
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