Example sentences of "on [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At a desk in the centre , surrounded by files tied with pink ribbons , sat the Registrar , on whom all hope depended .
2 To suggest that there is an interested and informed big brother , on whom one side could lean , to give it some advantage over the other , is only to prolong the agony .
3 This chapter considers the financial consequences of community care policies for those women on whom such policies increasingly depend — the mothers , daughters , wives , sisters , neighbours and friends who are providing a substantial amount of help and support to a disabled or elderly person .
4 One could ask , therefore , what role is ascribed in Formalist theory to the author , on whom biographical criticism had been based ; what had become of the reality which mimetic and historically orientated theories had placed at the centre of their concerns ; and finally what function it gives to thought , which had been the focus of philosophically biased criticisms .
5 The traditional attitude to the poor had been to regard them , in the absence of unambiguous evidence to the contrary , as undeserving individuals on whom public money should be spent most sparingly .
6 The social worker provides care , assistance and , one hopes , understanding for those on whom most people turn their backs .
7 take me twelve months to get back on me blooming feet .
8 I 've got it on me blooming mind , you know when you keep singing it ?
9 What would happen if I loved him more than he loved me , and if he were to cheat on me one day ?
10 I knew that some of his friends were into drugs , but I did n't know Ryan was until he collapsed on me one day .
11 Gradually it began to dawn on me that while in the celluloid world all things were possible , in the other world it was quite a different story .
12 Even so , if you consider the pressures contingent on me that night , you may not think I delude myself unduly if I go so far as to suggest that I did perhaps display , in the face of everything , at least in some modest degree a ‘ dignity ’ worthy of someone like Mr Marshall — or come to that , my father .
13 Fortune smiled on me that night , and what could have been a disaster was averted .
14 ‘ No doubt why you honed in on me that night . ’
15 A policeman came to call on me that Thursday evening , after Angy 's body had been found , asking what time the class ended and where I went afterwards … that sort of thing .
16 He said I was left stood there with this other mate on me other side going what 's he had to drink ?
17 I 've had people try to put one over on me many times , and let me tell you , gentlemen , few people succeed .
18 You 've had that on me all day ?
19 What 's all that wood on me clane flooar ?
20 Th , they stick on me half way down .
21 At the orphanage I was complimented on me English composition , but I 've always been a bit shy about speakin' up for meself . ’
22 If I got on me high horse every time somebody hinted that I was n't like Betty Grable , I would have ridden to hell long before this . ’
23 I did n't know a thing about it until Rob sprang it on me this afternoon . ’
24 On me this time . ’
25 ‘ Just so long as you 're not planning any physical attacks on me this evening
26 I was painting the back of the house one Saturday , when she shook me off the ladder , I got a compound fracture on me left leg .
27 It dawned on me last season , as we took a first-minute lead over Carlton Town West Saxons , that perhaps it was Fate that plucked pink , 544 , from the hat .
28 They can check up on me any time really .
29 Oh I 've got cold bits on me cold bits .
30 we was engaged , oh I have talked to other people but we was engaged in making locks but most of the locks , well they did do a , er wardrobe locks , small cabinet locks , lever locks but one of the biggest kind of locks we di er made was the locks for car cars and vans which , in them days , was was fantastic because most of the car bodies was of wood , the , the , the , the framework was wood , so erm the locks er were three or four , four by five er seven by eight and selvedges on them fourteen inches long , er bolts er the , the bolt mechanism would be anything from five eighths to an inch in di er er square with a radius on the end erm th there was er there was the sidecar locks which were smaller erm that was the sort of locks they made .
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