Example sentences of "on [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Well I 've been on them Diodides for six year now .
2 ‘ I 'm not a particularly patient man , and the thought of lying flat on my back for weeks made me feel almost suicidal , and if it had n't been for your parents — well , suffice to say that they were marvellous — ’
3 as opposed to that was a part of being a tenant , you know , for the honour of you pay me rent but you also come and work on my land for how many days
4 During my annual medical check-up in 1987 , Dr Dingle discovered a blood irregularity , but as I was fighting fit he said it was probably just a virus and I was to forget about it during my impending holiday and to see him on my return for a second blood test .
5 I stuck one on my forehead for an afternoon , received a good many curious stares from colleagues , and got the giggles .
6 We held hands going to school every morning , Jimmy and I , and three times I stood on my head for him at Miss Annie 's to prove my love .
7 ‘ Raindrops had to fall on my head for real like everybody else — I do n't really wish to talk about those things , now we are over it .
8 By a remarkable coincidence this book arrived on my desk for review a matter of weeks after I had first seen it and browsed through it in a bookshop in Kathmandu .
9 And , and my , that act those forms stayed on my desk for maybe two weeks whilst I were plotting and thinking what the hell I could do about
10 I eventually got a chance to read the South Wales Aggregates Working Party 's Regional Commentary which has been sitting on my desk for months .
11 I would be on my bike for the rest of my life , stuck on the stopping train to nowhere .
12 She lies on top of me , breathing hard , head on my shoulder for a few minutes , then she stirs , pulls herself up so that I flop out of her and her hard little nipples stroke my chest .
13 I once lied to Basil and this has been on my conscience for a long time .
14 Q I have been using extra red Henna on my hair for almost two years while I 've been growing my hair .
15 And it 's been on my heart for a long time to save .
16 I was taken from the cellar in Beirut and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my skin for the first time in a thousand days .
17 ‘ He knows I 'm on my way for him . ’
18 I would ask you to point out this dramatic increase to the people of your parish and to thank them on my behalf for their generous efforts .
19 This was further demonstrated by the fact that , when I murmured some apologies that I must leave , he insisted on my staying for some tea .
20 Look your fill on my domain for , once inside , you will never come out .
21 In terms of sheer inhumanity , one incident in August will remain stamped on my mind for the rest of my life .
22 This is something that 's been on my mind for a very long time and I mean , I , I , I think it 's about time we started getting rid of these things and updating our own toilets you know .
23 I , like many other married women , hope to achieve some kind of independence and do n't want to rely on my husband for everything all the time .
24 It felt as if it was fixed on my face for ever .
25 Blood pressure , ’ she whispered and shone the light on my face for a second .
26 I had a permanent scowl on my face for weeks . ’
27 But Smith said : ‘ It 's a burden that 's going to be on my shoulders for life . ’
28 I think I took drugs to escape my problems , because I thought I had the world on my shoulders for a number of reasons .
29 She rests her head on my shoulders for a second her body shaking with sobs .
30 ‘ I ca n't sit on my rear for long , hanging round this ancient hotel .
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