Example sentences of "on [noun] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I , I , something floated in front of my eyes that she was thinking of applying on part time for the complaint examiner , but she did n't .
2 Erm because we ran out of electricity on lunch time on the Saturday .
3 Clearly the nature of this relationship requires further investigation , particularly as no other case controlled studies have reported on transit time in relation to faecal bile acid concentration .
4 A tactic for distinguishing an effect on reaction time of a hemispheric processing inefficiency from an effect due to inter-hemispheric transfer is suggested by the application of a memory search procedure ( Sternberg , 1966 ) .
5 Paisley has gone on record time after time to condemn the assassination of Catholics and has insisted that the potential violence represented by the old Protestant Volunteers and more recently by the Third Force should only be exercised in a defensive manner and in the event of a complete breakdown of law and order .
6 Not only is there tremendous pressure on teacher time with this approach , but the amount of time that can be offered to each pupil is of limited value .
7 Junior Tennis Centres ( JTC ) , the company formed in 1988 by Keith Sohl and Adrian Stonebridge , with the sole purpose of switching the emphasis on court time from seniors to juniors , has ambitious plan to expand its operations countrywide .
8 If that power was sufficient , the holy spirit , if that power was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead , you not think he 's able to exert that power in your life and in my life to make us live lives that are pleasing to God , of course it is so we do n't do it ourselves , just let me in closing mention one other thing , this relationship we have needs to be maintained , you know for any relationship to grow , one needs to spend time with the other person , I do n't give a lot of credence to the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder , it does with somebody else , it 's true , it does not make it grow fonder of that person the person is you know who you , you heard this story so often , like particularly like going back during the last war , folk who were separated sometimes for , for , not just for months but for several years , there they were in concentration camps perhaps , in prisoner of war camps , separated for years , they come back home they 've got to get to know each other all over again you see that a relationship on a human level as well as in our relationship with God is dependent on , on association , it 's dependent on companionship , it 's dependent on spending time with the other person and in our relationship with Christ this is achieved by , by prayer , by knowing and understanding God 's word , by having fellowship with other Christians and fellowship with other Christians is not just meeting them and passing the time of day with them , oh that 's fellowship but it 's far more than that is required , there 's the fellowship in worship , we worship together , of course I can worship God at home of course I can do it , so can you do it and we , we should do it , but there 's that re , there 's that need , that requirement as God 's people we come together to worship him in a corporate act , in the sacraments , in , as we mentioned in , in earlier on in taking the bread and the wine and remembering the lords death , there 's a sense in which I can do it by myself
9 And do n't forget all this week on drive time with Tim , he 'll be airing some of the best , when only fish and chips will do stories .
10 At present some member states do not apply national legislation on working time to independent drivers .
11 What upsets and angers my hon. Friends is that the Department of Energy is praying in aid the proposed European Community directive on working time as a justification for that change .
12 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
13 It 's also given us the new agreement on working time which our own government have tried to work against consistently for the last two years , they now say they 'll challenge it in Europe 's Court of Justice , well what they seem to forget is it 's got ta come back to Parliament for a second reading yet and they 've created such ill feeling in the Parliament and among the Commission , that it 's likely to be strengthened , we 're gon na end up with a strengthened agreement on working time by the autumn of this year .
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