Example sentences of "on [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The fourth report of the Committee on Monitoring Agreements on Tobacco Advertising and Sponsorship was produced this summer and the Minister will have had time to study it in detail .
2 When the publication of HMI reports on university departments of education was discussed ( as part of the approval mechanism for teacher training courses of the Council for the Accreditation of Teachers ' Education , CATE ) there was initial resistance .
3 The syllabus includes the ‘ core ’ of chemistry drawn up by the Standing Conference on University Entrance in 1983 , and as far as we can tell is also likely to include the new chemistry core under construction by the School Examination and Assessment Council .
4 Well on building society in that your building society are have change too in ninety one two at the same time .
5 Following a tender competition , the offer from Fairclough Building Ltd. was chosen , but the cost had now risen to almost £1.3 million , partly because of the imposition of VAT on building operations in the 1984 budget .
6 Plan of a typical court in Nottingham ( taken from the Report of the Royal Commission on the State of the Large Towns , 1845 ) showing the intense pressure on building land as a result of the failure to enclose the surrounding open fields .
7 Episodes are based on dialogues , role play and cloze exercises , with the emphasis on building awareness of language appropriateness .
8 Emphasis on building awareness of language appropriacy and fluency in typical interactions .
9 Timber used on building sites for construction purposes such as shuttering and formers is usually discarded — often just burnt .
10 These men are working on building sites around the Island .
11 ‘ I go to the market regularly to see what is happening , ’ he says , ‘ but our entire trading policy is based on building relations with suppliers .
12 Why it was thought appropriate to leave the important matter of imposing tax on building societies to secondary rather than primary legislation in this way remains a mystery ; but , whatever the explanation , the experiment was a total disaster and resulted in the Revenue producing some regulations in respect of a particular period of assessment which were so hopelessly flawed that the House of Lords found itself compelled to declare them void as being ultra vires .
13 The programme represented a departure from previous campaigns in that it concentrated on building belief in the ability to make decisions for oneself , and it used social cognitive theory techniques to ‘ inoculate ’ children against chronic self-doubt or learned helplessness .
14 National Grid plans to put up 400kv lines on 150ft pylons across Cleveland and North Yorkshire from Lackenby on Teesside , to Shipton , near York to take electricity from a new power station on Teesside to the south of England .
15 The Borrowby Pylon Action Group hopes the figure will draw attention to the National Grid Company 's plans for 400kv lines on 150ft pylons across Cleveland and North Yorkshire .
16 No figures are available from the Agriculture Departments on the land areas gripped each year — the data is incorporated in the total field drainage figures and can not be separated — but several schemes in the Pennines and the Welsh uplands have caused significant damage on blanket bogs in the past .
17 A small number of Black Redstarts inhabit some of the coastal towns and industrial sites , and Kestrels nest in many towns ; three pairs were recorded nesting on Brighton churches in 1968 , the same number recorded by Walpole-Bond .
18 I 'll tell you where I had terrific service once , I ca n't remember what it was for now , it 's it 's a shop , it 's called Arcade Records because originally it was in the arcade , but it 's now just above the Cannon Cinema in between you know on Chapel Bar on the left hand side .
19 We have already seen this effect in the section on contract markets in the previous chapter .
20 As the paper was to be printed on contract presses with pages faxed across electronically , its editorial offices could in theory be based anywhere .
21 The programme will include Brian Porteous from the Council 's Sponsorship Advisory Service speaking about the latest research exercise carried out by the Council into sponsorship in Scotland ; Derek Etherington , Consultant to the English Sports Council talking about UK developments : lawyer Stephen Townley giving guidance on contract negotiations plus media experts and representatives of leading Scottish companies giving practical advice on how to make effective sponsorship proposals .
22 The Fairclough report suggests that suitable UK institutions could be offered Faraday Centre status , becoming foci for technologies and expertise of industrial relevance , in which graduate scientists and engineers could work for a higher degree while engaged on contract research before moving into industry .
23 Serious cinema 's attempts to portray sexual passion have generally succeeded best according to the extent they have ignored this temptation : think of Brando , obese , with straggling grey hair and face plastered with pan-stick , howling obscenities as he floors Maria Schneider ; or Dennis Hopper , jumping on Isabella Rossellini like a mad dog with velvet , scissors , and mask .
24 The point is that manufacturing really began on greenfield sites without the benefit of central planning .
25 In addition to that , it might interest you to know that er in excess of a further one hundred and sixty hectares of land is in our U D deposit version , U D P proposed to be released on greenfield sites on the edge of the built up areas .
26 We would wish to stress again , with the district council 's support I suspect , that that overshoot really it 's to sites within the urban area , as in windfall sites in general planning terms we have seen to be acceptable er in planning terms , but we would wish to stress that part part of that approach has been a continuing resistance to development on greenfield sites on the edge of the the urban area .
27 Instead of looking for more acquisitions , he is focusing on greenfield development in the bathroom and houseware sectors .
28 It could very easily be that the accidents of product development and distribution have led to an almost exclusive focus on skin care as the function of cotton wool .
29 Other recent Hodder acquisitions include world rights in Challenge , the story of the British Steel Challenge Yacht Race by Chay Blythe and Elaine Thompson , out next autumn ; a history of the computer games company Nintendo , David Sheff ‘ s Game Over , bought at auction from Random House US , also for 1993 ; and a book on Windsor Castle by leading heritage author Mark Girouard , bought from Mike Smith at Curtis Brown for next June/July .
30 The only variables significantly related to the development of peripheral oedema on regression analysis with high alcohol consumption ( odds ratio 4.1 ( 95% confidence interval 1.6 to 7.1 ) , p=0.002 ) , being female ( 10.2 ( 1.7 to 59.1 ) , p=0.01 ) , and high body mass index ( 1.12 ( 1.00 to 1.25 ) , p=0.04 ) .
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