Example sentences of "on [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To my mind , the answer to the question depends on ascertaining in the context of the Act as a whole what is the administration referred to .
2 On reflecting about the activities of the last year I looked up enterprise in ’ Roget 's Thesaurus ’ .
3 Other navies might stick to the old tactics of trying to board enemy ships and capture them , or concentrate on firing at the masts and rigging in the hope that successful shooting would disable the other side , but the English preferred to shoot into the hulls of their enemies because they knew that with enough time and enough shot they would destroy their opponents .
4 For the past three years , President de Klerk has maintained a moratorium on hanging with the A N C's approval .
5 Or , if you insist on hanging around the office , they will set you to work on the accounts of charities .
6 Police authorities are required to obtain the views of the community on policing in the area .
7 Sue runs workshops on knitting including the professional finishing that is in evidence in the display garments . ’
8 Having presented the far-reaching study produced by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland research committee on Auditing into the Twenty-first Century to a group of leading Scottish finance directors , we have to admit their reaction was hardly partisan ( see Governance ) .
9 Consumer public relations depends on using to the full this part of the media and it is generally accepted that any consultant working in this field will have contacts within the appropriate media .
10 To our relief , she missed out on all the formalities except for a perfunctory cry of ‘ GamBei ’ ( ‘ Down the hatch ’ ) and ‘ Greetings to our British friends ’ , and concentrated on tucking into the excellent meal — she gave the impression that she had come for the food and drink and nothing else .
11 They 're handing out drinks , chocolate bars and advice on resting from the road .
12 The pace of change was desultory , and the district only began work on contracting under the impetus of the neighbouring district it provided acute services for .
13 Tighter regulation by Regional Health Authorities followed a much publicised role-playing exercise on contracting in the East Anglian Region known as the Rubber Windmill ( East Anglian RHA/Office for Public Management 1990 ) .
14 In recent months many software vendors which used to concentrate on producing for the Commodore , Amiga and Atari have started to supply versions for the IMB-PC and its clones as well .
15 Anglo-Saxon battle based on drawing in the Canterbury Hexateuch .
16 Many readers do not offer themselves primarily as meaning-makers , seriously intent on puzzling over the significance of texts .
17 In the States , the emphasis is on sticking to the tried and true .
18 It would , he thought with a smile , be most unfitting to explode on landing under the circumstances .
19 There was a sad sequel when Combermere , who was in third place at the time , shattered a hind leg on landing over the penultimate fence and had to be destroyed .
20 I had paid my rent early on with the last inelastic cheque I 'd written , had n't paid my Poll Tax , had tried to find bar work but been unsuccessful , and was borrowing off Norris , Gav and a few other pals to buy food , which comprised mostly bread and beans and the odd black pudding supper , plus a cider or two when I could be persuaded to squander my meagre resources on contributing to the funds required for a raid on the local off-licence .
21 Officials of the Sauchiehall Street Traders ' Association — whose shopping precinct will be one of the targeted areas — said high street stores were likely to look favourably on contributing to the scheme .
22 The novel insisted on reverting to the ampler great-sinner pattern ; hence Stavrogin 's emergence as ‘ chief character ’ , ‘ tragic villain ’ and so forth during this period , and Peter Verkhovensky 's withdrawal to the second rank : Verkhovensky the mere wrecker , the nihilist , the man of the 1860s , the deeper realist 's answer to Turgenev .
23 The Daemonette attacks the nearest character immediately ; on appearing in the room , all characters must make a successful I test or be surprised , giving the Daemonette a free round of attacks .
24 Renting out the family home while working abroad on contract may not be particularly appealing ; but selling it and having no stake in the home housing market on returning at the end of the contract is by no means an ideal solution .
25 THE Colombian drug wars have added a new variation to Washington 's ‘ revolving door ’ syndrome , whereby former US officials use the knowledge they gained in government for profit on returning to the private sector .
26 On returning to the bell stand to catch the transport to the course in question , I could n't find my golf clubs .
27 The minor irritation on returning to the car is that it is directly in front of you as you descend to the north , but there is nowhere to cross the river .
28 On returning to the surface , he carelessly looked away from where he had placed the briar and a snake ate it , whole .
29 On returning to the box and resuming his duties , he was more puzzled than frightened for he did not believe in ghosts .
30 On returning to the apartment , Sophie found Mozart in a high fever , trying to explain to Süssmayr how to complete the Requiem .
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