Example sentences of "be turn into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They can be turned into money on demand in most cases ; even where notice might originally have been specified this can usually be waived for a small interest penalty .
2 ‘ The donations of clothing will be turned into money which will enable Age Concern Cleveland to carry on its work with elderly people , ’ said chief officer Dave Punshon .
3 During the war my mother worked in a factory making endless ground sheets which I was told could be turned into trench capes .
4 So much yeast is produced during fermentation that large amounts are sold to companies such as Marmite to be turned into yeast extract .
5 In Wandlitz , just north of the city , the 140 hectare villa complex until recently known as ‘ Volvograd ’ , home to politburo members of the Honecker regime , is to be turned into sanatorium to serve Berlin and the surrounding area .
6 But hopefully fewer mistakes will be made this season and the mistakes that are n't made will be turned into Championship points .
7 For instance , the PVC which is used in fruit squash bottles may be turned into drains and sewers .
8 Dozens of early Georgian houses built in the 1720s in Queen Anne style ( surprisingly rare in central London ) had been allowed to fall into decay — to be turned into sweatshops for the clothing industry , to be converted into offices for the fruit-market or simply to become slums .
9 Minister of Culture Jordi Sole Tura vowed in May that the nearby Army Museum and Ministry of Agriculture would be turned into Prado annexes .
10 The government first designated six areas to be turned into HATs , without the tenants being given a say .
11 AT&T says it expects ‘ several hundred ’ of its 11m million business customers in the US to ‘ express interest ’ in the new services in the first year or so — but will that interest be turned into contracts ?
12 ‘ How can the cortijos ' , Aranda 's reforming government asked its intendants in vain , ‘ be turned into villages ? ’
13 For only where there are seams of Belemnita quadrata chalk , covered by a layer of Tertiary debris , will the vines produce radiant crops on the Falaises , and grapes that can be turned into champagne which has champagne 's unique , inimitable flavour . ’
14 It also suggests that , in the long term , ISPRA might be turned into Europe 's premier location for big-science machines .
15 They 'll be hoping their losses can be turned into profit by this time next year .
16 Some people mistakenly believe that ceiling joists can be turned into floor joists , simply by nailing other joists on top to double the depth .
17 And they 'll be even more pleased to hear that Henry escapes , and will never be turned into pork chops and sausages .
18 The chairman of the education committee said ‘ If boys are to be turned into fairies and girls into butch young maids , it should be for the parent to decide and not the education authorities ’ ( TES 13.10.78 ) .
19 It took as its theme part of the statement made by the Labour and Socialist International with regard to national United Fronts : Past experience goes to show that such negotiations in individual countries may unfortunately only too easily be turned into manoeuvres by the Communists , with the result that they help to poison the situation and increase the mistrust in the Labour Movement instead of diminishing it .
20 Babel 's bad times could be turned into art — an art which has been seen to release him , as it were , from his subject , and which has also been seen to hesitate .
21 But the fact is , the data in these studies can not be turned into generalizations , for they relate only to industries with high levels of vertical integration and economic concentration , involving an oligopolistic control over product supply frequently accompanied by a franchise relationship between manufacturer and seller .
22 But vast tracts of tropical forest are destroyed to create grazing for cattle which will be turned into hamburgers and other fast food .
23 But it 's something which even you could use if you had a specific , good example of a specific situation could , which could be turned into news .
24 They also gave Gateway the go-ahead for a supermarket outside the retail area and allowed offices in Elder Road to be turned into retirement apartments near a nightclub .
25 Before barley can be used in a brewery it must be turned into malt .
26 Western Isles ) asked for an assurance at question time that bursaries for Project 2000 nurses would not be turned into loans .
27 There 's a lot to be said for the modern falconry centres — anything that helps people to appreciate birds of prey is a good thing as far as I 'm concerned — although it 's a shame they have to be turned into tourist attractions .
28 So , in 1219 this road had to be turned into Thame town centre , a diversion of almost a mile .
29 Moral condemnation could , however , be turned into action for moral improvement .
30 Both particles created in a single fusion reaction carry energy that can be turned into heat and , ultimately , into electricity .
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