Example sentences of "be more than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Cargo forecasts suggest that a growth rate of 11.4 percent for Europe-Far East trade over the next 20 years will be more than double the expected increase across the North Atlantic .
2 I do not overlook De Gourmont 's plea for a meeting of the nations but I do believe that when they meet Paris will be more than slightly abashed to find parodies of the middle ages , Dante and Langue D'Oc foisted upon it as the best in United States poetry .
3 However , we think that Club Couples should be more than slightly special , and to this end our Couples Clubreps will be on hand with a few ideas , designed with a slightly more subdued mood in mind .
4 ‘ Though no doubt Quirinus would be more than slightly curious as to our errand in the Greshorns .
5 The very fact that philip Augustus made no serious attempt to invade or attack Gascon ) , in the campaigns of 1202–4 may be more than simply a comment upon the military limitations of the French crown .
6 It will contain one of the finest and openest quadrangles in this country ; its details will be more than ordinarily lively and cheerful ; its amount of window light will exceed that of , probably , any public building in this country ; its construction will embody every modern improvement , invention , and appliance ; its materials will be the most perfect which long and earnest study enable me to render them , while its cost will not in the least exceed what is customary with public buildings in the usual style .
7 Although such rescue excavation work can not be more than piecemeal , as sites become available , results already obtained have provided useful information on conditions of urban life , in the types of buildings where people lived , on the desertion of houses within towns and around them , and on the distribution of trades within the towns .
8 For each belief whose justification we attempt there will always be a further belief upon whose justification that of the first depends , and since this regress is infinite no belief will ever be more than conditionally justified .
9 And I 'm just want to draw your attention very quickly and I will emphasize that a lot of the information you 're hearing from me are in a brief sense , will be more than adequately covered when
10 They monopolise access to public positions , they hold competition in check , they allow their expenses to be more than comfortably met from tax revenue and whenever things Set tough they form an excessively large coalition , not against any parliamentary minority but instead against the majority of non-organised voters …
11 May we try by our own example to show that a world of peace and compassion can be more than just a hopeful dream .
12 Even acute fear of dentistry may be more than just fear of the drill : California dentist James Rota says that women who are most frightened of dentists are those who have been sexually molested as children .
13 Discover that fishkeeping can be more than just owning a goldfish — how about a pet foot eel , or a mysterious seahorse ?
14 The display must be more than just conspicuous .
15 The American adventure movie Raiders of the lost ark and its sequels , in which actor Harrison Ford played Indiana Jones , an heroic archaeologist , have proved to be more than just financially successful productions .
16 Planning , is of course likely to be more than just identification of needs .
17 You may be making a parafoil , or an inflatable animal shape , in which case the paper pattern will be more than just a flat plan .
18 In her enchanting story of The Velveteen Rabbit , Margery Williams ' tells of a cloth rabbit who longs to be more than just a toy .
19 WITH the sun at the heart of your horoscope until the 21st and Venus bringing her sweetness to bear on relationships from the 8th , December could be the most crucial month of the year for love and partnership matters — the 19th could be more than just a magical moment .
20 If the auditors ' role is to be expanded , however , the APB recognises that there has to be more than just shareholder involvement .
21 Experience at the Birmingham Money Advice Centre ( see Appendix III ) shows that — at least for the generally poor people who go to the Centre with money problems — mail order , check traders and other weekly callers such as tallymen are woven so closely into the fabric of daily ( or rather weekly ) life as to be more than just a possible buying choice .
22 It was getting to be more than just a bad habit ; it was beginning to become an established part of his personality .
23 Whatever the final verdict may be , EP has shown itself , yet again , to be more than just another area of applied computer science .
24 With the obligatory ‘ W ’ across its malformed chest , the tousle-headed little aberration appears in the latest set of increasingly hep ‘ Be more than just a number ’ ads ,
25 But it would be more than just a production job .
26 The sad truth is to tackle these subjects you have to be more than just willing , you have to be shite-hot .
27 From the outset , it has been clear that COSE , the Common Open Software Environment , would have to be more than just a unified desktop interface , and this week , two more pieces of the COSE puzzle appear to be dropping into place ( CI No 2,142 ) .
28 Peter Hewitt explains how a new managers ' toolkit proved to be more than just a game
29 From the outset we 've known COSE , the Common Open Software Environment , to be more than just a unified desktop interface , and this week , two more pieces of the COSE puzzle appear to be dropping into place .
30 For masturbation , it would have to be more than just a passing person . ’
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