Example sentences of "be find within the " in BNC.

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1 All four band members share the belief that nobody can match the measure of commitment and unity to be found within The Smiths .
2 In all ‘ honest and reflecting minds ’ , there was ‘ a conviction , daily strengthened by experience , that the name of effecting every improvement which the constitution requires may be found within the constitution itself ’ ( Macaulay , 1861 : ii .
3 These are just a few examples of the types of products that can be found within the leading farm shops in Surrey who will also be exhibiting , including Secretts from Milford .
4 Of course , the fact that structure and rules are to be found within the behaviour of football hooligans does not mean that there are no problems at football terraces and that such behaviour is to be condoned .
5 For , if man is to continue to nourish that vital part of human civilisation , which is the control over the future of life on earth , it is necessary that his definition of morality , good social behaviour , and understanding of right and wrong uses the evidence to be found within the evolutionary story and which he can then enshrine in a viable ‘ god ’ .
6 Man himself has to decide on the nature of ‘ goodness ’ , and to accept that it has to be found within the life on earth as it actually is .
7 The lion and tiger species are to be found within the genus Felis .
8 There is no need to run to outside bodies such as an extended Plant Commission or Commission for Social Justice for new ideas , he argues ; strength can be found within the party .
9 The fundamental causes of alcohol abuse are to be found within the social and emotional lives of the individuals , and it is not wise for the counsellor to view alcohol abuse separately from these more basic causes .
10 It is after all , an entity which gives house room to people as different as Chilean gaucho and Japanese silk farmer , Californian software writer and Australian brewer , Tongan noble and Panamanian politician ; it encompasses men and ideas more disparate and discordant than any to be found within the borders of any other physical entity on the planet .
11 The purpose of this provision for what were referred to in discussion as ‘ subsidiary authorities ’ was to cater for the needs of composite States such as the United Kingdom , where different systems of law are to be found within the same State .
12 It 's all to be found within the borders of Thailand … a country rich in history , blessed with sun-drenched beaches and filled with charming people .
13 The same ideological pattern is to be found within the imperial , educational and commercial programme for " national efficiency " which from the 1890s , drew in a number of prominent figures from the worlds of politics , business , and " letters " .
14 A consistent emphasis on character , personality , and integrity is to be found within the pages of the Review .
15 These contrasting strands can be expected to be found within the same minds .
16 Radical and conservative values continue to co-exist and are not so much the properties of different populations but are to be found within the thinking of the same people ( Billig , 1982 ; Billig et al . ,
17 Some parts of Nottingham [ are ] so very bad as hardly to be surpassed in misery by anything to be found within the entire range of our manufacturing cities .
18 The immanent method assumes that the ‘ truth ’ of a work is to be found within the work itself : or rather , it can be discovered by critical confrontation of the work 's ideal or concept — what it ‘ wants to be ’ — with its reality .
19 Duress to be relevant must be found within the four walls of the transaction .
20 If , in addition , they could hire for private patients the very expensive facilities in the way of X-ray machines , operating theatres and the like , to be found within the National Health Service , this too made their lives very much easier and in many cases made their private practice a possibility .
21 distinction between relationships of political authority and relationships to be found within the economy is so pervasive throughout Western political thought that it is one of the specific contributions of Marx to political thought that he denied the existence of this separation .
22 Modern theorists of power have maintained the principle that the bases of political power are not to be found within the economic sphere — at least not in the economic sphere alone .
23 such an ability to engage in a comprehensive review of policy options presupposes a greater concentration of political power in the hands of a single policy-maker or group of policy-makers than can be found within the American political system .
24 It differentiates the various purchase types to be found within the industrial situation , and examines the importance to marketers in supplier companies of selling under contract .
25 If funding is not available , and it can not be found within the present budget , the Secretary of State will be guilty of the loss of that work ?
26 Funding in the form of sponsorship must be found within the next 12 months to enable this project to go ahead .
27 He must suspect that the bomb , or the other shapechanger , could be found within the station .
28 Although it is unlikely that decomposing snails will be found within the workings of computers , it is possible to come across computer " bugs " ; and there may still be some further nasty surprises .
29 Friction , jealousy and suspicion of all kinds , of course , persisted , but without any doubt , even before American entry into the war , the intimacy and exchanges between the two nations were beginning to exceed the norms to be found within the ordinary run of international partnerships .
30 Erm first of all , I think alternative sites can be found within the district which meet the requirements of P P G three , erm set out in paragraph thirty three , and I think the other advantage which perhaps has n't been touched on is that the new settlement in Selby District would balance the otherwise very heavy bias of recent and future programmed development which is er to the north east of York .
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