Example sentences of "be find in [art] " in BNC.

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1 And now that they can be found in every colour under the sun , they 're even more versatile .
2 They are represented today only by the maidenhair tree Ginkgo biloba , one of the obligatory ‘ living fossils ’ to be found in every botanical garden , and many parks in inner cities .
3 The book would have been sold from the row of shelves to be found in every public library for the price of a daily paper .
4 High quality standards can be found in every classification band , from Listed up to Crown 5 .
5 The vast and highly mechanized modern industry of printing , which can be found in every town and city in the kingdom , has been dispersed during five hundred years from this one spot which ought to be holy ground to the industrialist as well as the Christian .
6 These ‘ cardinal points ’ , they now proposed , should find expression through a series of experimental poems in which Coleridge was to concern himself with subjects ‘ supernatural , or at least romantic ’ , and Wordsworth was to ‘ give the charm of novelty to things of every day ’ , seeking for characters and incidents ‘ such … as will be found in every village ’ .
7 Quantification , of a kind , can be found in every type of writing about the world , while qualitative work is still central even in the most mathematised of sciences .
8 Of course , by no means every one of these problems is to be found in every one of India 's hundreds of gaols in its thirty-one independently governed states .
9 A team or teams of qualified clinical psychologists can be found in every district health authority , so there is no excuse for general practitioners using unqualified staff to treat patients who have a psychological problem or condition .
10 One of the supplement 's most important findings is that class related differences in childhood death rates can be found in every age group for both sexes .
11 Besides a second table , a carpet , and an armchair , there was only an old , locked cassone , of a kind to be found in every cottage on the island .
12 These establishments could be found in every district in Gallimaufry ; places where citizens could relax in the vapours of restorative perfumes .
13 This subversive exchange represents one of the ‘ pockets of freedom ’ — Sibylle 's own phrase — that were to be found in every stratum of a superficially homogeneous Nazi society — not just in one branch of the Hitler Youth , but in the army at the battlefront and , of course , at home , where Sibylle 's mother shocked her tea guests by referring to her ‘ dear Jewish friends ’ abroad , and her father listened to the forbidden BBC with the volume turned up full .
14 There may , however , be questions in her mind about the choices open to her : how will the information in a catalogue differ from what is to be found in a monograph ?
15 The variations and exceptions to these brief generalised statements can be found in a number of books , some by investigative outsiders , some in memoirs by dealers and others interested in the market .
16 A still life is in some ways an ideal picture to describe , as a firm basis can be found in a catalogue of its components .
17 Choreographers can make subtle differences between dancing to a waltz , mazurka or polonaise and there are contrasting rhythms to be found in a ¾ time signature .
18 Evidence of the existence of dry rot may be found in a musty smell pervading a suspect space ; the presence of a whitish cotton-wool-like fungal growth on timber ; cracking and bulging of joinery mouldings such as skirtings and door linings owed to the shrinkage of hidden fixing timber which has been attacked by the fungus ; and readily apparent ravaged timber showing deep cracks across the grain , giving a ‘ cubed ’ appearance .
19 One of the more unusual foods to be found in a delicatessen are dried mushrooms .
20 Another branch of stone patina faking is to be found in a very different area of collecting .
21 Further confirmation of my thesis can be found in a comparison carried out in 1975 between the mental health of North Uist women and women in the London borough of Camberwell .
22 Co-operation in the development of buying groups , marketing groups , secretarial services , machinery services and relief labour could all be found in a more advanced state in areas outside Britain .
23 It has now been confirmed , however , that Bt is a ubiquitous soil microorganism and that highly active strains of Bt can be found in a wide variety of environmental samples .
24 These techniques can be found in a variety of texts , for example Dobson et al .
25 Names of plants will also be found in a collection such as Gaelic Words and Expressions from South Uist and Eriskay , collected by Father Allan McDonald and edited by J.L.Campbell ( 2nd ed. , Oxford University Press , 1972 ) .
26 A representative attitude may be found in a letter to the Daily Mail in April , 1982 , here abridged :
27 The theories discussed on the previous chapter were united in arguing that the source of this interference is to be found in a loss of associability ( conditionability , effectiveness , attention-attracting power ) by the critical stimulus .
28 But it will probably be around the time of the Full Moon on the 14th that you decide enough is enough and when you realise that success , solace or excitement can only be found in a different setting .
29 Hardy 's most eloquent defence of Jude the Obscure is to be found in a series of letters to his friend Edmund Gosse , who had reviewed the novel in St. James 's Gazette on 8 May 1895 .
30 And this special culture is thought to be found in a particularly acute and virulent form in Scotland and in some parts of the North of England .
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